Post by jessPost by cowboy carlPost by jessyes, but surely the government/ charities should do their best to
Post by cowboy carlPost by jessthe situation?
only because they are nice.
my point was more that me, as a random guy, has no reason to donate
money to these charities.
i donate to charities which help people who weren't bad off because of
their own actions, charities such as oxfam, or the NSPCC.
i don't donate to charities which help people who were too stupid to
help themselves, such as the examples i gave above relating to AIDS
(actually I'm not sure if any such charities exist -- that is, charities
who support victims of AIDS who got it through having too much sex ...
the whole point of this thread is me saying that they shouldn't both
I've read this thread and become progressively more angry. Awareness needs
to be raised in this country to prevent greater numbers of people from
contracting AIDS - something's gone awry in education somewhere, as only a
couple of years ago there was a survey in which 40-something% of respondents
replied that they believed there was a cure for AIDS. You might say they're
stupid, but, more importantly, they're ignorant and obviously people
shouldn't - in the words of the 1980s adverts - die of ignorance.
(Apparently I started to cry upon watching one of those adverts when I was 5
or so and exclaimed to my mum, 'I don't want to die of Ignorance!', thinking
ignorance in itself was a fatal illness :))
It's not just ignorance tho.
Ignorance is when you don't know something.
What is it when you believe something which isn't true?
I mean, if I didn't know there was a cure for AIDS, surely it would be
"stupid" for me to believe there was a cure for AIDS, rather than
And it's not as if they could have been mislead into beliving there was
a cure for AIDS ... could they?
The only way they could have thought that, is if they made it up themselves.
Anyway, I don't believe people should die because they are stupid, or
because they are ignorant.
But (and maybe, by defining this so tightly now, it only applies to
0.0001% of AIDS sufferers) I don't believe random people should help out
someone who knew the risks, ignored them, and is suffering the consequences.
I have no sympathy for people who sleep around and get STDs if they are
in posession of the knowledge about STDs.
You can't say "oh but the condom broke, it's not my fault" because
condom's break ... that's a part of the risk of using them.
And you can't say "oh but I didn't know he had AIDS" because if you only
met him that night, then you had no reason to believe he *didn't* have
AIDS (or some other STD).
Post by jessYour attitude is shared by many people, which is why AIDS (and homelessness
for that matter), perceived by some to be the fault of the individual,
receive very much less in charitable donations than charities helping
children, animals and cancer sufferers/providing funding for cancer
research. I can see where you're coming from, but I think it's rather
short-sighted. If you blame individuals, you never examine why people
continue to contract the disease in alarmingly high numbers; what good does
that do in the long term?
Even if the individual's *are* to blame, be it through ignorance or
stupidity, then isn't it still up to society to help these people?
Isn't that what society is for ... to help each other?
(I'm asking myself here, not you :))
Ummm, it's a tricky question, and the easy way to answer it is to throw
democracy at the problem and let the solution 'evolve' out of that :)
But the problem I have, is where that help should come from.
If the government starts passing laws to ... say ... ban unprotected sex
between strangers, then despite what I've been saying, I think people
should be allowed to do that if they desire.
But people have to be responsible for their own actions.
And I think that includes people who don't know the risks, even to some
Anyway, I'm somewhat skeptical about that 40% figure you quoted ... do
you have a reference?
And even if it were true, I expect a much lower percentage are ignorant
of the fact AIDS exists and is sexually transmitted, along with a whole
bunch of other diseases. So it's presumably safe to say that everyone
knows unprotected sex is risky ... as is random sex with strangers.
Should there be government support and charities to help people who get
drunk and act violently towards people and then get themselves hurt as a
No, these people should be locked up (for a while ... to teach them a
lesson, for doing things which are reckless and a danger to other people).
How is that so different to AIDS? If someone is sleeping with a lot of
people, then they are potentially spreading diseases and infecting other
people - they are a danger to others.