Post by jessPost by Ray PangPost by jessPost by Ray PangStubble is pricky, and women don't like that. Or at least they claim
not to, then to go all gooey over David Beckham with stubble or
that's cos stubble *looks* sexy, but feels horrible.
so for david beckham, it's nice to see him with stubble, but when
it's someone you will actually be kissing, it's not so nice.
Hmm, I'm a little bit confused now. So if you went to a club or
whatever, and fancied someone who had stubble, what would you expect
when you took him back to your place?
it's not rocket science. "stubble *looks* sexy, ... but when it's someone
you will actually be kissing, it's not so nice".
OK, let me put it this way. If you were single, and you saw a guy with
stubble who you liked, would you think "no, he's got stubble, so forget it",
or would you think "I can put up with it" or would you think, "Right, I'll
wrap him around my finger and make him shave"?
Post by jessso, for a famous person, they can have stubble and look sexy, and i can look
at them and think "mmmm". However, i do not want a guy that i will be
kissing, for example my boyf, to have stubble. dys?
Well yes. See my question above though, and replace "boyf" with "potential
Post by jessPost by Ray PangBasically, we can't win. If we have stubble then women moan. If we
don't, then women don't fancy us.
i said stubble looks nice, not that it's essential for a guy to have stubble
for me to fancy them.
Sorry, general woman rant. They're complex.
Post by jessPost by Ray PangIs this like one of those "I really
want to meet a genuinely nice guy" and then you all go off and go for
the bad-guy arseholes who happen to look good? Or am I
i don't go for good looking arseholes.
i don't know anyone who does.
I do. Let me think, first bloke she was with had done time for GBH. Second
bloke was a drug dealer. She always used to say things like "Why can't I
meet a nice bloke?" and then she'd be off with some bloke with a very shady
past. Maybe the bad boy image does it for her.