James Gregory
2004-10-31 18:37:03 UTC
Despite the fact that I'd much rather be out doing something and talking
to people, my continuing stay in Colchester has meant vast of amounts of
free time with nothing to fill it. I have therefore been randomly surfing
the internet for the past few days, and doing so it's impossible to avoid
reading vast numbers of articles on news websites, personal websites,
blogs, and web forums about the US election. I even went as far as
downloading and watching Fahrenheit 9/11, the first Michael Moore thing
I've ever seen/read.
The one thing that strikes me about absolutely all of this discourse is
the extreme partisanhip of every single resource and article and opinion
available. Either Bush is a patriotic hero and Kerry a communist traitor,
or otherwise Kerry is a champion of the American people and Bush is a
stupid, evil man bent on world domination. Either war in Iraq was 100%
neccessary or it was a moral outrage. You are either "left" (Democrat) or
you are "right" (Bush). It doesn't matter where you live in the world, the
US is the world's only superpower and so the US election matters an order
of magnitude more than any event local to where you live can matter. It
would appear that the coming election is the ultimate ideological and
politcal battle to end all ideological and political battles.
This is ridiculous. Who gets elected will make a difference for a small
minority, for the vast, vast majority it will not. Both would keep troops
in Iraq. Both support liberal, capitalist democracy. Al-queda will kill a
few hundred (or if they're lucky, a few thousand) more people regardless
of who is elected, and the world will be outraged that such a "huge"
catastrophe could happen again. The Democrats say Bush represents the
elite whilst Kerry represents the common man. The Republicans say that
Bush is a decent, everyday American whilst Kerry is some sort of
effeminate Euro-communist fool. In reality both are as American as
American can be, whilst at the same time both are well connected,
privilged members of America's ruling class. Neither would cut military
spending, neither would raise taxes. Though his family name may well have
helped him, the fact that Bush got a higher GPA at university than Kerry
at least shows that it's not a matter of a genius versus a village idiot.
I realise that the above paragraph implies that I think both candidates
are right wing, that I think what is really needed is a truly left wing
candidate, and that really I'm just using the election to make a general
effeminate Euro-communist point about the whole world being biased against
me. This really isn't my point, though. I'm not even particularly
anti-Bush. My world view is admittedly very left wing (I think luck gets
you far further in this world than hard work). But at the same time I see
no reason that it shouldn't be that way. In my experience people who are
fiercely left-wing are either:
a) at least one of poor, ignored, unsuccessful. Why should rich,
successful, good looking people care? Since when was being better than
other people wrong?
b) a teacher, a student, or someone with a decent technical job, who make
themselves feel clever and informed and better than normal people by
voting for a centre-left party (which will probably be in their own
immediate interest in any case as often their job is publically funded)
and giving an absolutely marginal proportion of their income to charity.
My point is rather that it just doesn't matter. Who cares who wins the
presidental election? What difference does it make?
to people, my continuing stay in Colchester has meant vast of amounts of
free time with nothing to fill it. I have therefore been randomly surfing
the internet for the past few days, and doing so it's impossible to avoid
reading vast numbers of articles on news websites, personal websites,
blogs, and web forums about the US election. I even went as far as
downloading and watching Fahrenheit 9/11, the first Michael Moore thing
I've ever seen/read.
The one thing that strikes me about absolutely all of this discourse is
the extreme partisanhip of every single resource and article and opinion
available. Either Bush is a patriotic hero and Kerry a communist traitor,
or otherwise Kerry is a champion of the American people and Bush is a
stupid, evil man bent on world domination. Either war in Iraq was 100%
neccessary or it was a moral outrage. You are either "left" (Democrat) or
you are "right" (Bush). It doesn't matter where you live in the world, the
US is the world's only superpower and so the US election matters an order
of magnitude more than any event local to where you live can matter. It
would appear that the coming election is the ultimate ideological and
politcal battle to end all ideological and political battles.
This is ridiculous. Who gets elected will make a difference for a small
minority, for the vast, vast majority it will not. Both would keep troops
in Iraq. Both support liberal, capitalist democracy. Al-queda will kill a
few hundred (or if they're lucky, a few thousand) more people regardless
of who is elected, and the world will be outraged that such a "huge"
catastrophe could happen again. The Democrats say Bush represents the
elite whilst Kerry represents the common man. The Republicans say that
Bush is a decent, everyday American whilst Kerry is some sort of
effeminate Euro-communist fool. In reality both are as American as
American can be, whilst at the same time both are well connected,
privilged members of America's ruling class. Neither would cut military
spending, neither would raise taxes. Though his family name may well have
helped him, the fact that Bush got a higher GPA at university than Kerry
at least shows that it's not a matter of a genius versus a village idiot.
I realise that the above paragraph implies that I think both candidates
are right wing, that I think what is really needed is a truly left wing
candidate, and that really I'm just using the election to make a general
effeminate Euro-communist point about the whole world being biased against
me. This really isn't my point, though. I'm not even particularly
anti-Bush. My world view is admittedly very left wing (I think luck gets
you far further in this world than hard work). But at the same time I see
no reason that it shouldn't be that way. In my experience people who are
fiercely left-wing are either:
a) at least one of poor, ignored, unsuccessful. Why should rich,
successful, good looking people care? Since when was being better than
other people wrong?
b) a teacher, a student, or someone with a decent technical job, who make
themselves feel clever and informed and better than normal people by
voting for a centre-left party (which will probably be in their own
immediate interest in any case as often their job is publically funded)
and giving an absolutely marginal proportion of their income to charity.
My point is rather that it just doesn't matter. Who cares who wins the
presidental election? What difference does it make?