Post by RachelI have - Psychology. Can't remember the unit number, but it's A2 -
biological rhythms etc etc etc.
Dreading it! So much work! :/
Me too and I'm in trouble. I still have about half of the syllabus to
revise, and I've forgotten the other half, so I'm getting up at 4am to try
and at least cram in enough to claw an E grade!
I do tend to underestimate my performance. I thought I got a U in Business
Studies last year but come out with an A. Posted here a while back asking
whether coursework could be retaken because I thought I screwed it up but
that was an A as well.
However, I really have fucked this one. There is no possible way on earth I
am going to do well in this one. I've all but given up, assuming that I will
just have to retake it next May/June. Then an hour ago it dawned on me - can
you even retake a January module in June?
And when do you get your January results?
On a brighter note, at least I don't think I did so bad in the Business
Studies exam I had yesterday.