Hello All
(too old to reply)
2005-04-24 16:20:05 UTC
X-No-archive: yes

This place has fairly died a death.

No news from me... I've been offered a chance to study at Shenandoah
University, Virginia next year. I know its not Harvard, but the year will
essentially cost me nothing so I'm looking forward to it!

Alex Warren
2005-04-25 17:56:06 UTC
X-No-archive: yes
Post by ath
This place has fairly died a death.
No news from me... I've been offered a chance to study at Shenandoah
University, Virginia next year. I know its not Harvard, but the year will
essentially cost me nothing so I'm looking forward to it!
Yes, this place does seem to have become rather quiet lately. The only posts
these days seem to be on boring off-topic subjects such as A-Levels even. Things
ain't what they used to be...

As for me, I'm still an IT consultant for LogicaCMG and I'm currently on a
project for Network Rail (and no it's not my fault if your train's late).

Ho hum.

So... read any good books lately?

2005-04-29 16:12:54 UTC
X-No-archive: yes
Post by Alex Warren
So... read any good books lately?
Well... I'm reading Code And Other Laws of Cyberspace by Lawrence Lessig. I
might go so far as to say that its the Neuromancer of the non-fiction
internet books. Very very impressive.

