Post by Robert de VincyPost by TobyPost by Robert de Vincy[...]
Post by Becky LoaderI'm very allergic to dust mites, so if you need to know if your house
or bed is really in a bad way, I'm the one to call.
That is the least sexiest chat-up line I have ever heard.
Still wouldn't say "no", though...
ok this is not a Porcella-style fuckage, my brain has frozen: "least
sexiest" or "least sexy"?
Well, it wasn't the sexiest.
Nor was it the second sexiest.
It wasn't even the third or fourth sexiest.
It was, after all, the least sexiest.
[That's how I justified it to myself, at least. A case could be made
for "least sexy" based on logic, too, if someone was really bothered.]
That just sounds weird to me, despite your little logic exercise :P
...Least sexy sounds better...I was expecting a more authoritative
answer :P
Throughout my long, long life, I've always relied upon a 'sense' for
my English, i.e. a sentence sounds 'wrong', or a word looks 'wrong'
etc..I never actually think about rules or grammar unless I have to be
formal...This of course can be attributed to reading and listening,
i.e. I've been shown what is 'right' and what is 'wrong' and now I
just pick it up automatically, but this happens when I've never heard
or seen a word or phrase before e.g. 'would that I could' etc. etc..Of
course THIS can be attributed to learning 'rules' and then applying
them, but I just like the way it seems to be intuitive, i.e. I never
actually have to *think* or whatever, I just 'know'...I'm no way
perfect, but pretty consistent...Though lately I seem to be forgetting
the spelling of words, and so they just look wrong but I can't sort
them...I reckon I've got vCJD, so cherish me whilst you can...
Robert me ole muckeroony, did you like the way I included wrong and
right etc. in inverted commas, just for you? :P