Hey Ginnie - are you there?
(too old to reply)
Ian/Cath Ford
2005-06-29 22:10:10 UTC
Er, yeah, the title says it all.

I have a question or two...

Ian, Cath, Eoin and Calum Ford
Beccles, Suffolk, UK

I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday

There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place later
2005-06-29 23:37:16 UTC
And is the FAQ still going?

I want to update some stuff I previously submitted.

Ginnie Redston
2005-07-15 15:52:26 UTC
Post by ath
And is the FAQ still going?
I want to update some stuff I previously submitted.
#Ummm it should still be there http://www.scintillae.org.uk/ there's a link
right at the end of my FAQ page.


Ginnie Redston
2005-07-15 15:49:00 UTC
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
Er, yeah, the title says it all.
I have a question or two...
Ian, Cath, Eoin and Calum Ford
Beccles, Suffolk, UK
I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday
There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place later
Oooh hello! Yes, still here, but not checking so often now that it's gone
quiet. Am off to Austeralia for three weeks tomorrow but will be able to
access email and groups from there I think.

Hope all well with you and all the other 'regulars'.

Ian/Cath Ford
2005-07-15 18:51:00 UTC
On Fri, 15 Jul 2005 15:49:00 +0000 (UTC), "Ginnie Redston"
Post by Ginnie Redston
Oooh hello! Yes, still here, but not checking so often now that it's gone
quiet. Am off to Austeralia for three weeks tomorrow but will be able to
access email and groups from there I think.
Lovely - where are you going/are you? Big place down there iirc.

Have you broken up already or are you not working anymore???

We're away to Denmark in a week and a bit. Should be nice - legoland
high on the hit list!!

What I wanted: you know that Cambridge getting in stuff - the days and
so on that they run? Do you still have contacts and stuff? I have a
girly who has potential - she's totally different. Not necessarily
going to get the bestest GCSE grades next year but she's a showman
(aka traveller, but apparantly there's a difference) and is
intelligent in other ways as it were. She'd be in with a shout and
might want to go and have a look at least...
Post by Ginnie Redston
Hope all well with you and all the other 'regulars'.
We're pretty cool, apart from the heat. Small one starting to walk and
get stroppy if you stop him doing stuff. All good fun.

Ian, Cath, Eoin and Calum Ford
Beccles, Suffolk, UK

I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday

There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place later
Ginnie Redston
2005-07-15 22:18:00 UTC
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
On Fri, 15 Jul 2005 15:49:00 +0000 (UTC), "Ginnie Redston"
Post by Ginnie Redston
Oooh hello! Yes, still here, but not checking so often now that it's gone
quiet. Am off to Austeralia for three weeks tomorrow but will be able to
access email and groups from there I think.
Lovely - where are you going/are you? Big place down there iirc.
Mainly Victoria - the Mornington Peninsula. It's pretty. Been there once
before; it's where my brother is based. Flying Emirates, via Dubai.
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
Have you broken up already or are you not working anymore???
Yup. Just broken up :-)
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
We're away to Denmark in a week and a bit. Should be nice - legoland
high on the hit list!!
Ooh lived in Kobnhavn for three years 1967-70. Very interesting, though
haven't been back since. I gather you can now DRIVE to Sweden: in my day a
boat was required.
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
What I wanted: you know that Cambridge getting in stuff - the days and
so on that they run? Do you still have contacts and stuff? I have a
girly who has potential - she's totally different. Not necessarily
going to get the bestest GCSE grades next year but she's a showman
(aka traveller, but apparantly there's a difference) and is
intelligent in other ways as it were. She'd be in with a shout and
might want to go and have a look at least...
Well, it sounds as though it'd be worth a phone call to the admissions
offices at New Hall and Newnham. She doesn't have to wait for an Open Day.
If she were over 21 she should definitely consider Lucy Cavendish, as they
are always on the look out for bright-but-different types. But if she hasn't
done GCSEs yet I assume you are thinking well ahead on her behalf. Good
thinking: give her something to aim for. The Cambridge website is really
helpful these days and she should be encouraged to look around that and get
a feel for the courses and colleges.
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
Post by Ginnie Redston
Hope all well with you and all the other 'regulars'.
We're pretty cool, apart from the heat. Small one starting to walk and
get stroppy if you stop him doing stuff. All good fun.

K. Edgcombe
2005-07-17 11:44:49 UTC
Post by Ginnie Redston
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
What I wanted: you know that Cambridge getting in stuff - the days and
so on that they run? Do you still have contacts and stuff? I have a
girly who has potential - she's totally different. Not necessarily
going to get the bestest GCSE grades next year but she's a showman
(aka traveller, but apparantly there's a difference) and is
intelligent in other ways as it were. She'd be in with a shout and
might want to go and have a look at least...
Well, it sounds as though it'd be worth a phone call to the admissions
offices at New Hall and Newnham. She doesn't have to wait for an Open Day.
If she were over 21 she should definitely consider Lucy Cavendish, as they
are always on the look out for bright-but-different types. But if she hasn't
done GCSEs yet I assume you are thinking well ahead on her behalf. Good
thinking: give her something to aim for. The Cambridge website is really
helpful these days and she should be encouraged to look around that and get
a feel for the courses and colleges.
Seconded everything Ginnie says.

All the Open days (Colleges and Depts) are listed on the University website,
and should be easy to find - give me a shout if there's any problem. Newnham
also runs various events for different age-groups -
there's certainly something aimed at Year 10, and we've had days with various
themes, with taster sessions etc. Newnham website (www.newn.cam.ac.uk, and go
to admissions information) will tell you. And look at other colleges for
similar things (not just the women's colleges, though I say so myself!).

Or, as Ginnie says, you don't have to wait for an open day. She can come and
visit any time by ringing the admissions office, and if at all possible we'll
find a student to show her round (difficult in dead of vacation, but there'll
be somebody to do it), and a
Director of Studies to talk to if she knows what subject she wants to do -
though it may be a bit early for that. Many open days are aimed mainly at year
12, so it's worth looking for things more specifically suitable for her, or -
since she's obviously an unusual case - having an independent visit.

Would she find the Sutton Trust summer schools useful? They are very good
"taster" experience for people with no University background in the family.
Haven't got a URL handy but I'm sure a web search will find them.

Let me know if there's any more I can tell you. I'd be happy to talk to her
myself but she probably doesn't want to do maths, and I might frighten her off.

