(too old to reply)
Ginnie Redston
2004-12-23 22:46:05 UTC
Any of this year's A level people got news of offers yet? Where are this
year's A level people anyway?

2004-12-24 03:33:06 UTC
Post by Ginnie Redston
Any of this year's A level people got news of offers yet? Where are this
year's A level people anyway?
Ginnie Redston
2004-12-24 09:27:26 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Ginnie Redston
Any of this year's A level people got news of offers yet? Where are this
year's A level people anyway?
Oh OK :-) Even on Christmas Eve? Impressive :-)

2004-12-24 10:51:54 UTC
On Fri, 24 Dec 2004 09:27:26 -0000, "Ginnie Redston"
Post by Ginnie Redston
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Ginnie Redston
Any of this year's A level people got news of offers yet? Where are this
year's A level people anyway?
Oh OK :-) Even on Christmas Eve? Impressive :-)
Boozing and procrastinating elsewhere :D
2004-12-24 12:29:39 UTC
Post by Ginnie Redston
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Ginnie Redston
Any of this year's A level people got news of offers yet? Where are this
year's A level people anyway?
Oh OK :-) Even on Christmas Eve? Impressive :-)
Yes. A-level maths (well C2 is) in a year is such a pain :) I guess I had
this coming!
Ian/Cath Ford
2004-12-24 11:24:58 UTC
On Thu, 23 Dec 2004 22:46:05 -0000, "Ginnie Redston"
Post by Ginnie Redston
Any of this year's A level people got news of offers yet? Where are this
year's A level people anyway?
Hey, how's things?

None of this revising or procastinating for me you now. Small children
are in varying stages of hyper-ness, the mother in law's come to stay
and apart from that it should be a nice holiday for me :-) Cake is
iced, now it's lemon posset and pasta to make and then I'm done.

Hope things are fine and dandy.

Ian, Cath, Eoin and Calum Ford
Beccles, Suffolk, UK

I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday

There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place later
2004-12-24 17:33:20 UTC
...now it's lemon posset...
Dear Lord!
Ian/Cath Ford
2004-12-24 18:18:14 UTC
On Fri, 24 Dec 2004 17:33:20 +0000, Toby
Post by Toby
...now it's lemon posset...
Dear Lord!
Continue peasant, continue. No point starting the letter and then
forgetting what you were about to say is it?

Ian, Cath, Eoin and Calum Ford
Beccles, Suffolk, UK

I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday

There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place later
Ginnie Redston
2004-12-28 08:55:48 UTC
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
On Thu, 23 Dec 2004 22:46:05 -0000, "Ginnie Redston"
Post by Ginnie Redston
Any of this year's A level people got news of offers yet? Where are this
year's A level people anyway?
Hey, how's things?
None of this revising or procastinating for me you now. Small children
are in varying stages of hyper-ness, the mother in law's come to stay
and apart from that it should be a nice holiday for me :-) Cake is
iced, now it's lemon posset and pasta to make and then I'm done.
Hope things are fine and dandy.
Hi Ian,

Things are fine thanks, though since I changed my job a couple of years ago
(and it involves living in outer London during the week, only returning to
Oxon for weekends and holidays) things have been very rushed.

Still, 2004 has been the year of the House. Said new job has enabled me to
finance the conversion of my tiny 2-up, 2-down semi (which had a large
garden) to a 3-up,3-etc house, complete with newly installed mains drainage,
condenser-boiler central heating, a spacious but comfortable kitchen (after
years of having gone off the whole idea of cooking, suddenly getting very
keen on it again, including homemade bread, a very well-brandied Christmas
cake complete with proper lemony-almondy homemade marzipan, a newly
discovered Cranks recipe for beetroot and tomato soup - very pretty .... you
*know* you'd approve!)

Before all this happened, much improvising in sometimes bizarre conditions
was involved. Most of the summer holidays were spent with just basic running
water and no bath. I think the best bit was when the only working loo, left
from what had been the bathroom, remained upstairs; it had become an open
plan design, as the walls around it had been knocked down and beyond was a
large, still open-ended gable with just a piece of sacking to prevent
passing villagers from observing me when I was enthroned. Very draughty.

Both Os were off in Brussels at Christmas, so I relaxed here, dropping in
on, or being dropped in on by, friends from time to time. The YO returns
tonight, followed by EO next week, so we are planning a major gathering/meal

I'm sure you survived the mother-in-law, not to mention hyper Offspring. The
lemon posset sounds very good, or is it only intended for consumption by
small people?

Happy New Year everyone


