Rant about teacher (swearing!)
(too old to reply)
2005-03-22 13:34:47 UTC
I have 2 French teachers who share teaching the A2 syllabus. One is fine,
the other.. well, she's also assistant head of the school (it's a 6th form),
she teaches lots of languages, and she's basically the stereotypical
extremely busy "career woman".

About 30% of the lessons we are meant to have, she hasn't attended them, due
to a meeting or whatever. Last week, she was in for half a lesson (we have 3
per week with this teacher). The other week, she didn't turn up for any. I
can't remember the last time she turned up for a full week.

When she doesn't bother to come in, she either sets us a mountain of work to
do, or nothing at all - and then sets us the missed lesson's work PLUS
normal homework, in the next lesson. We're expected to do all this in the
space of a couple of days. Not to mention the fact that it is harder to
learn the stuff when you're not being TAUGHT it - it is a language after

So then the cheeky bitch decides to schedule extra lessons with us (the
class is only me and one other girl) because we're *behind*! Well, no shit!

We were meant to have an extra lesson today, and I didn't bother going -
perhaps I'm just punishing myself in some way because I'm missing out on
teaching, but she should be there in our normal lessons! 30 mins after the
lesson finishes, my mum gets a call on her mobile with the teacher
complaining about me.

Fucking cheek.

I'm going to see her tomorrow (mum included - as I know that if I go on my
own, she'll turn it all into MY fault) and hopefully get something done
about it. If she couldn't teach us properly, why has she taken on the
responsibility of our lessons?

Rant over - sorry. Hope it was entertaining, anyway... *g*

2005-03-22 17:56:36 UTC
Post by Rachel
I have 2 French teachers who share teaching the A2 syllabus. One is fine,
the other.. well, she's also assistant head of the school (it's a 6th form),
she teaches lots of languages, and she's basically the stereotypical
extremely busy "career woman".
About 30% of the lessons we are meant to have, she hasn't attended them, due
to a meeting or whatever. Last week, she was in for half a lesson (we have 3
per week with this teacher). The other week, she didn't turn up for any. I
can't remember the last time she turned up for a full week.
When she doesn't bother to come in, she either sets us a mountain of work to
do, or nothing at all - and then sets us the missed lesson's work PLUS
normal homework, in the next lesson. We're expected to do all this in the
space of a couple of days. Not to mention the fact that it is harder to
learn the stuff when you're not being TAUGHT it - it is a language after
So then the cheeky bitch decides to schedule extra lessons with us (the
class is only me and one other girl) because we're *behind*! Well, no shit!
We were meant to have an extra lesson today, and I didn't bother going -
perhaps I'm just punishing myself in some way because I'm missing out on
teaching, but she should be there in our normal lessons! 30 mins after the
lesson finishes, my mum gets a call on her mobile with the teacher
complaining about me.
Fucking cheek.
Yeah, I know exactly how you feel. Two years ago, for AS Mathematics, the
guy who was teaching us pure mathematics was never in, and when he was, he
had to rush through the P1 module. Whereas the guy who was responsible for
teaching the applied units was always in college.

Anyway, as you can imagine (not that I do till this day think I would have
passed even if he was in, due to reasons in previous threads), but for the
other students (who had much stronger foundations) - him not being in for
2/3rds of the year due to medical problems (he was a nice teacher, nothing
like the one you describe above), probably did have an affect on the
progression of the other students in the subject. This was clearly
highlighted by loads of people failing at the end of the year.

Though ironically, when the results did come out, the blame goes onto
student X for not trying hard enough and whatever the teachers part to play
in it - is totally dismissed, because people will assume student X is
putting all his/her blame on X Teacher. Which I guess is a valid point in
the respect if one follows the philosophy "where there is a will there is a
way", however with subjects such as Mathematics, and languages, though it's
not impossible to learn mathematics by yourself, it helps being taught the
mathematical concepts. Unless of course, you are the type of student, like
myself currently that goes through 6 different text books until you finally
understand the concept by yourself, which is ideal for most students to do,
but I am afraid it is not what most students do. As for languages, I guess
being taught it is the only way to progress, as it is one thing
reading/writing a language, it is quiet another speaking it fluently with
great accuracy.

But yes, to sum it up from what you have said, your teacher is bang out of
order and if this problem is not resolved anytime soon, you will have to
face the consequences of failing (which I really hope does not happen, not a
nice feeling). Whereas your teacher, the *career woman*, will be making
loads of dosh from her career and teaching at the same time and probably
would blame you for your failure.

Put a stop to this by complaining to the head of department - make sure you
get a large number of students to support your cause, otherwise they would
dismiss you as being the "only one with the problem and will take her side
due to her being the one with a great amount of experience", if that does
not work, go directly to the head of 6th form or head teacher. If that does
not work, then try your hardest to learn what you can in your free time by
going through various text books for that language and just prove her wrong.
If it comes to that, then you know it is a shame you have to work in a very
independent manner, as the purpose of going to college in the first place is
greatly undermined. It's not like teachers have to do loads of research work
like University lecturers have to do! They simply have no excuse but to yes,

Good luck.
2005-03-22 20:59:49 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
Put a stop to this by complaining to the head of department - make sure you
get a large number of students to support your cause, otherwise they would
dismiss you as being the "only one with the problem and will take her side
due to her being the one with a great amount of experience",
I had a similar situation with one of my ICT teachers.
He was patronising, didn't actually know anything about the subject he was
teaching etc, wheras the other teacher (who we only had once a fortnight)
was much better and knew his stuff.
E.g, our textbook, "Oooh class, look at page X, there's a picture of me
using a electronic registration system!".

Eventually, virtually the WHOLE classes of both Year 12 and 13 complained
to the principal (walked into his office and had a meeting).

Result? Nothing. He's still there now, and the prime reason why I dropped
ICT after AS.
to email change de.news to de-news
2005-03-22 21:55:19 UTC
Post by BWGames
Post by Samsonknight
Put a stop to this by complaining to the head of department - make sure you
get a large number of students to support your cause, otherwise they would
dismiss you as being the "only one with the problem and will take her side
due to her being the one with a great amount of experience",
I had a similar situation with one of my ICT teachers.
He was patronising, didn't actually know anything about the subject he was
teaching etc, wheras the other teacher (who we only had once a fortnight)
was much better and knew his stuff.
E.g, our textbook, "Oooh class, look at page X, there's a picture of me
using a electronic registration system!".
Eventually, virtually the WHOLE classes of both Year 12 and 13 complained
to the principal (walked into his office and had a meeting).
Result? Nothing. He's still there now, and the prime reason why I dropped
ICT after AS.
Good that you dropped it, as you would be more likely to underperform due to
lack of motivation, rather then anything else. ICT is easy, just hard to
plough through the content.
Post by BWGames
to email change de.news to de-news
Ironically, I complained about my ex-ICT teacher for exactly the same
reasons above. Her teaching methods were poor, exactly like you have
described above "Ok class turn to page 54 of the White text book by
Heathecote and copy and paste notes", on top of that the material for the
AS/A2 coursework she gave to the class was a pile of dung. For AS we were
given a booklet, that gave us instructions on how to do the coursework, and
for the Implementation section of the booklet (Which carries the most
marks), only one page was written for it!!! So as you can imagine, the
'bright' people were getting full marks on everything else except
Implementation section, which as it carried the most marks brung our
coursework grades, well mine to a B overall at AS.

For the A2 coursework, we were given another booklet that was a pile of
dung. So in order not to make the same mistake I just went and used another
text book that is written by the examiners as a guide instead. I got an A
for that coursework. Others had faith in that booklet and it cost them

Anyway, before A2 I complained about her to the head of department, I said
to HOD that she can't be teaching ICT to the class because her teaching
methods are poor, from the material she gives out to the actual teaching -
people are bunking lessons because they found her demoralising and for a
subject as dire as ICT - that is bad news!
I got told by the HOD, "That I should do computing (even though my 6th form
didn't offer it) and not to question her authority or get the hump if I am
finding ICT boring". When all I was trying to do is put across the point
that ICT can be made interesting, if there is some effort put into the
teaching methods.

At the end of A2, the final results finally made the 6th form department
realise about the dire state of ICT at that 6th form, only 2 people got a B,
3 people got a C over all, the rest which made up the majority got D's and
E's. They've now stopped doing AL ICT at AL! Which is probably a good thing!
2005-03-22 21:45:32 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
Put a stop to this by complaining to the head of department - make sure you
get a large number of students to support your cause, otherwise they would
dismiss you as being the "only one with the problem and will take her side
due to her being the one with a great amount of experience", if that does
not work, go directly to the head of 6th form or head teacher.
She IS the head of 6th form too, heh. She's not head of department for
French though... the person who is, is my other french teacher. :)
Post by Samsonknight
If that does
not work, then try your hardest to learn what you can in your free time by
going through various text books for that language and just prove her wrong.
If it comes to that, then you know it is a shame you have to work in a very
independent manner, as the purpose of going to college in the first place is
greatly undermined. It's not like teachers have to do loads of research work
like University lecturers have to do! They simply have no excuse but to yes,
Good luck.
Thanks Samson, good to know I'm not the only one who gets this crap...
John Porcella
2005-03-22 22:01:31 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
But yes, to sum it up from what you have said, your teacher is bang out of
order and if this problem is not resolved anytime soon, you will have to
face the consequences of failing (which I really hope does not happen, not a
nice feeling). Whereas your teacher, the *career woman*, will be making
loads of dosh from her career and teaching at the same time and probably
would blame you for your failure.
I never thought that I would see the words "making loads of dosh" and
"teaching" in the same sentence.
Post by Samsonknight
Put a stop to this by complaining to the head of department - make sure you
get a large number of students to support your cause, otherwise they would
dismiss you as being the "only one with the problem and will take her side
due to her being the one with a great amount of experience", if that does
not work, go directly to the head of 6th form or head teacher. If that does
not work, then try your hardest to learn what you can in your free time by
going through various text books for that language and just prove her wrong.
If it comes to that, then you know it is a shame you have to work in a very
independent manner, as the purpose of going to college in the first place is
greatly undermined. It's not like teachers have to do loads of research work
like University lecturers have to do! They simply have no excuse but to yes,
Not quite right! She is the assistant head of the sixth form, so will be
expected to deal with some emergencies.
John Porcella
2005-03-22 22:34:01 UTC
Post by John Porcella
Post by Samsonknight
But yes, to sum it up from what you have said, your teacher is bang out of
order and if this problem is not resolved anytime soon, you will have to
face the consequences of failing (which I really hope does not happen,
Post by John Porcella
Post by Samsonknight
nice feeling). Whereas your teacher, the *career woman*, will be making
loads of dosh from her career and teaching at the same time and probably
would blame you for your failure.
I never thought that I would see the words "making loads of dosh" and
"teaching" in the same sentence.
Post by Samsonknight
Put a stop to this by complaining to the head of department - make sure
Post by Samsonknight
get a large number of students to support your cause, otherwise they would
dismiss you as being the "only one with the problem and will take her side
due to her being the one with a great amount of experience", if that does
not work, go directly to the head of 6th form or head teacher. If that
Post by Samsonknight
not work, then try your hardest to learn what you can in your free time by
going through various text books for that language and just prove her
Post by Samsonknight
If it comes to that, then you know it is a shame you have to work in a
Post by Samsonknight
independent manner, as the purpose of going to college in the first
Post by John Porcella
Post by Samsonknight
greatly undermined. It's not like teachers have to do loads of research
Post by Samsonknight
like University lecturers have to do! They simply have no excuse but to
Post by Samsonknight
Not quite right! She is the assistant head of the sixth form, so will be
expected to deal with some emergencies.
These emergencies are dealt with during our lesson time - on Thursday, some
lad broke some glass in a picture frame in the common room. She then left to
deal with it (hence, she was only here for half the lesson).
Post by John Porcella
John Porcella
2005-03-23 01:49:47 UTC
Post by John Porcella
Post by Samsonknight
But yes, to sum it up from what you have said, your teacher is bang out of
order and if this problem is not resolved anytime soon, you will have to
face the consequences of failing (which I really hope does not happen,
Post by Samsonknight
nice feeling). Whereas your teacher, the *career woman*, will be making
loads of dosh from her career and teaching at the same time and probably
would blame you for your failure.
I never thought that I would see the words "making loads of dosh" and
"teaching" in the same sentence.
Just re-read the OP, I misread it, I was under the illusion that this
assistant head had 2 careers!!! Teaching beind her side career, and another
career being the one where she makes "loads of dosh"...oops!
Post by John Porcella
Post by Samsonknight
Put a stop to this by complaining to the head of department - make sure
Post by Samsonknight
get a large number of students to support your cause, otherwise they would
dismiss you as being the "only one with the problem and will take her side
due to her being the one with a great amount of experience", if that does
not work, go directly to the head of 6th form or head teacher. If that
Post by Samsonknight
not work, then try your hardest to learn what you can in your free time by
going through various text books for that language and just prove her
Post by Samsonknight
If it comes to that, then you know it is a shame you have to work in a
Post by Samsonknight
independent manner, as the purpose of going to college in the first place
Post by Samsonknight
greatly undermined. It's not like teachers have to do loads of research
Post by Samsonknight
like University lecturers have to do! They simply have no excuse but to
Post by Samsonknight
Not quite right! She is the assistant head of the sixth form, so will be
expected to deal with some emergencies.
Yeah, true. Although the head of sixth form at my old 6th form, always did
make time for his business studies lessons and inspired students to do well.
Post by John Porcella
John Porcella
Ian/Cath Ford
2005-03-22 20:21:48 UTC
Post by Rachel
Fucking cheek.
Yeah, that's probably about right. Sometimes it can't be helped - I've
missed 3 lessons today and will miss 4 tomorrow to be out on
fieldwork. But that's once in a moon time.
Post by Rachel
I'm going to see her tomorrow (mum included - as I know that if I go on my
own, she'll turn it all into MY fault)

OK, if the appointment isn't scheduled to be with your mother then *go
on your own*. It will almost certainly end up being your fault anyway
- you know what teachers are like :-)

I'd also suggest that you go with a solution that will work (or a
range of solutions). This close to exams you will need to have lessons
at some time. If she's not able to get to the lessons that are
scheduled then they need to be flexibly rescheduled. You know that
you're going to have to agree with that, which puts your protest today
in some perspective.

On that, you need to make clear that you knew very well what you were
doing and that you did it to bring the issue to a head. You know you
were wrong to do so, but it was more important that have a meeting to
clear the air and set some sort of process in place for the future

Be wary of assistant deputy head types. I've only ever met one that
I've liked. They can be right sneaky bastards.


Ian, Cath, Eoin and Calum Ford
Beccles, Suffolk, UK

I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday

There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place later
2005-03-22 21:48:09 UTC
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
Post by Rachel
Fucking cheek.
Yeah, that's probably about right. Sometimes it can't be helped - I've
missed 3 lessons today and will miss 4 tomorrow to be out on
fieldwork. But that's once in a moon time.
Post by Rachel
I'm going to see her tomorrow (mum included - as I know that if I go on my
own, she'll turn it all into MY fault)
OK, if the appointment isn't scheduled to be with your mother then *go
on your own*. It will almost certainly end up being your fault anyway
- you know what teachers are like :-)
Hmm. I'm torn between going with my mother and going on my own. I just don't
know if I would have the charisma (or whatever) to get my point of view
across :/
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
I'd also suggest that you go with a solution that will work (or a
range of solutions). This close to exams you will need to have lessons
at some time. If she's not able to get to the lessons that are
scheduled then they need to be flexibly rescheduled. You know that
you're going to have to agree with that, which puts your protest today
in some perspective.
Good idea. Thanks for that - if I say that I'm flexible with my lessons
(which I am) then she can't complain..
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
On that, you need to make clear that you knew very well what you were
doing and that you did it to bring the issue to a head. You know you
were wrong to do so, but it was more important that have a meeting to
clear the air and set some sort of process in place for the future
Be wary of assistant deputy head types. I've only ever met one that
I've liked. They can be right sneaky bastards.
Well, this one flounces around with her Gucci handbags and flirts with all
the 6th form boys... lol

Thanks for your advice, much appreciated!

2005-03-22 21:55:09 UTC
Post by Rachel
Hmm. I'm torn between going with my mother and going on my own. I just don't
know if I would have the charisma (or whatever) to get my point of view
across :/
Go with your mother and have an agenda written up before hand.
List the times you've had to miss lessons because of her absence. Be
Think about a suitable outcome before you attend, so that you can spell out
the problem and suggest a solution.
Keep a record of what is said. Type it up and let her have a copy.

Good luck.
Ian/Cath Ford
2005-03-23 20:42:59 UTC
Post by Rachel
Hmm. I'm torn between going with my mother and going on my own. I just don't
know if I would have the charisma (or whatever) to get my point of view
across :/
So, what happened then???
Post by Rachel
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
Be wary of assistant deputy head types. I've only ever met one that
I've liked. They can be right sneaky bastards.
Well, this one flounces around with her Gucci handbags and flirts with all
the 6th form boys... lol
Hmm, perhaps I want to meet here afterall - gucci handbags eh? Bet
it's a fake... :-)

Ian, Cath, Eoin and Calum Ford
Beccles, Suffolk, UK

I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday

There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place later
2005-03-23 21:57:42 UTC
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
Post by Rachel
Hmm. I'm torn between going with my mother and going on my own. I just don't
know if I would have the charisma (or whatever) to get my point of view
across :/
So, what happened then???
Ahh. She did just as I thought, and blamed it all on me. She got *very* het
up when I told her that she's been off a lot, and kept repeating that she'd
only been off a couple of times, and what was so bad about doing the work
that she sets us when she's away? The problem being, the sheer amount and
complexity of the work that she sets is more than a 1 hour lessons worth -
never mind the homework she sets!

So when I said this, she got all pissy, got a pen and some paper, and asked
me to recount all the homework she's given us when she hasn't turned up.
Obviously I couldn't remember it all, but she did have a bit of an "oh"
moment when I spelled it all out to her.

Throughout the first part of the meeting, she was accusing me of not
bothering to do the work, and generally being quite nasty to me. I'm ashamed
to say I broke down crying (blah!) and explained that I cannot get the grade
that she is pushing me for, and the grade that I'm on will actually get me
into uni (as long as I get the grades in other subjects of course).
Thankfully, after I started getting upset, she let up a bit and agreed to
stop hassling me and giving me so much work.

So all in all, it took a lot to get it sorted out as she was bloody adamant
that she hadn't done anything wrong - however I got what I wanted (less
pressure) out of it so it was ok in the end :)
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
Post by Rachel
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
Be wary of assistant deputy head types. I've only ever met one that
I've liked. They can be right sneaky bastards.
Well, this one flounces around with her Gucci handbags and flirts with all
the 6th form boys... lol
Hmm, perhaps I want to meet here afterall - gucci handbags eh? Bet
it's a fake... :-)
Ooh, nope, it's all real. *sniffs nonchalantly*


John Porcella
2005-03-24 10:58:31 UTC
Post by Rachel
Throughout the first part of the meeting, she was accusing me of not
bothering to do the work,
You not turning up to a special lesson might easily make her think that!

and generally being quite nasty to me.

Really? How? In the same way you have been nasty to her here?

I'm ashamed
Post by Rachel
to say I broke down crying (blah!) and explained that I cannot get the grade
that she is pushing me for, and the grade that I'm on will actually get me
into uni (as long as I get the grades in other subjects of course).
Thankfully, after I started getting upset, she let up a bit and agreed to
stop hassling me and giving me so much work.
Then you have both failed. It is her job to make you get on with sufficient
work to help you get the grades, and it is your job to do it.
Post by Rachel
So all in all, it took a lot to get it sorted out as she was bloody adamant
that she hadn't done anything wrong - however I got what I wanted (less
pressure) out of it so it was ok in the end :)
Less pressure = a sure route to underachievement
John Porcella
John Porcella
2005-03-23 22:04:52 UTC
Post by Rachel
Well, this one flounces around with her Gucci handbags and flirts with all
the 6th form boys... lol
I do not think that it is a good idea to accuse a teacher of this illegal
act, or at least in a public forum like this one.
John Porcella
2005-03-23 22:18:47 UTC
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
Well, this one flounces around with her Gucci handbags and flirts with all
the 6th form boys... lol
I do not think that it is a good idea to accuse a teacher of this illegal
act, or at least in a public forum like this one.
What's illegal about it?
John Porcella
2005-03-24 10:59:24 UTC
Post by Rachel
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
Well, this one flounces around with her Gucci handbags and flirts with
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
the 6th form boys... lol
I do not think that it is a good idea to accuse a teacher of this illegal
act, or at least in a public forum like this one.
What's illegal about it?
I take it that these boys are under 18? Have you heard of paedophilia? Have
you heard of 'grooming'?
John Porcella
Robert de Vincy
2005-03-23 22:22:34 UTC
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
Well, this one flounces around with her Gucci handbags and flirts
with all the 6th form boys... lol
I do not think that it is a good idea to accuse a teacher of this
illegal act, or at least in a public forum like this one.
It might be illegal in the strange place that is Porcella World, but
flirting with 16+-year-old boys is *not* illegal in the the Real World.

It might be morally wrong and against the ethics of teaching, but you
can't be arrested or charged with a crime for it.
John Porcella
2005-03-24 11:00:06 UTC
Post by Robert de Vincy
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
Well, this one flounces around with her Gucci handbags and flirts
with all the 6th form boys... lol
I do not think that it is a good idea to accuse a teacher of this
illegal act, or at least in a public forum like this one.
It might be illegal in the strange place that is Porcella World, but
flirting with 16+-year-old boys is *not* illegal in the the Real World.
It might be morally wrong and against the ethics of teaching, but you
can't be arrested or charged with a crime for it.
Keep up! Have you not heard of the offence of 'grooming'?
John Porcella
Robert de Vincy
2005-03-24 12:28:26 UTC
Post by John Porcella
Post by Robert de Vincy
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
Well, this one flounces around with her Gucci handbags and flirts
with all the 6th form boys... lol
I do not think that it is a good idea to accuse a teacher of this
illegal act, or at least in a public forum like this one.
It might be illegal in the strange place that is Porcella World, but
flirting with 16+-year-old boys is *not* illegal in the the Real World.
It might be morally wrong and against the ethics of teaching, but you
can't be arrested or charged with a crime for it.
Keep up! Have you not heard of the offence of 'grooming'?
I take it you mean the things mentioned in the Sexual Offences Act 2003?

Here, section 10:
That is the nearest to your "flirting is illegal!" claim. Read the words.
See if they would apply to flirting with 16, 17, 18-year-olds. Of course,
if that led to anything covered by the other sections then you'd have a
case, but we have no knowledge of anything beyond someone acting in a
flirtatious manner.
John Porcella
2005-03-26 11:51:05 UTC
Post by Robert de Vincy
I take it you mean the things mentioned in the Sexual Offences Act 2003?
Just by a strange coincidence, the TES of Thursday (yes, one day early)
mentioned some legislation, but it claimed it was 2001.
John Porcella
John Porcella
2005-03-22 21:58:04 UTC
Post by Rachel
I have 2 French teachers who share teaching the A2 syllabus. One is fine,
the other.. well, she's also assistant head of the school (it's a 6th form),
she teaches lots of languages, and she's basically the stereotypical
extremely busy "career woman".
So what? Are you envious?
Post by Rachel
About 30% of the lessons we are meant to have, she hasn't attended them, due
to a meeting or whatever. Last week, she was in for half a lesson (we have 3
per week with this teacher). The other week, she didn't turn up for any. I
can't remember the last time she turned up for a full week.
Have you asked her about it?
Post by Rachel
When she doesn't bother to come in, she either sets us a mountain of work to
do, or nothing at all - and then sets us the missed lesson's work PLUS
normal homework, in the next lesson. We're expected to do all this in the
space of a couple of days. Not to mention the fact that it is harder to
learn the stuff when you're not being TAUGHT it - it is a language after
So what? You can read the books yourself and learn it!
Post by Rachel
So then the cheeky bitch decides to schedule extra lessons with us (the
class is only me and one other girl) because we're *behind*! Well, no shit!
That was good of her.
Post by Rachel
We were meant to have an extra lesson today, and I didn't bother going -
That was bad of you. You can hardly complain of missed lessons, if you are
the one missing them.
Post by Rachel
perhaps I'm just punishing myself in some way because I'm missing out on
What kind of sick logic is this?

but she should be there in our normal lessons! 30 mins after the
Post by Rachel
lesson finishes, my mum gets a call on her mobile with the teacher
complaining about me.
Fucking cheek.
Hardly, you should have been there, perhaps.
Post by Rachel
I'm going to see her tomorrow (mum included - as I know that if I go on my
own, she'll turn it all into MY fault)
It was...you missed the class.

and hopefully get something done
Post by Rachel
about it. If she couldn't teach us properly, why has she taken on the
responsibility of our lessons?
Did she have a choice?
John Porcella
2005-03-22 22:32:24 UTC
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
I have 2 French teachers who share teaching the A2 syllabus. One is fine,
the other.. well, she's also assistant head of the school (it's a 6th
Post by Rachel
she teaches lots of languages, and she's basically the stereotypical
extremely busy "career woman".
So what? Are you envious?
Nope, just stating facts. Does that imply that I'm envious? Where does this
logic come from?
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
About 30% of the lessons we are meant to have, she hasn't attended them,
Post by Rachel
to a meeting or whatever. Last week, she was in for half a lesson (we
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
per week with this teacher). The other week, she didn't turn up for any. I
can't remember the last time she turned up for a full week.
Have you asked her about it?
Yes - she brushes me off, and changes the subject immediately. She will not
let you continue the conversation. Myself and my classmate have tried to
tackle her about it on quite a few occasions.
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
When she doesn't bother to come in, she either sets us a mountain of
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
do, or nothing at all - and then sets us the missed lesson's work PLUS
normal homework, in the next lesson. We're expected to do all this in the
space of a couple of days. Not to mention the fact that it is harder to
learn the stuff when you're not being TAUGHT it - it is a language after
So what? You can read the books yourself and learn it!
WTF? How am I meant to learn my oral for my oral exam, then? I need what
work I've done to be marked before I learn it, I need my pronounciation and
internation right - you CAN'T learn that from a book!

What's the point of going to college if you can just learn it all from a
book at home?
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
So then the cheeky bitch decides to schedule extra lessons with us (the
class is only me and one other girl) because we're *behind*! Well, no
That was good of her.
What WOULD be good is for her to turn up to our scheduled lessons. How can
you imply that it's fine for her not to bother?
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
We were meant to have an extra lesson today, and I didn't bother going -
That was bad of you. You can hardly complain of missed lessons, if you are
the one missing them.
You're joking, aren't you? SHE MISSED THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE! Why should I
have to go to a bloody extra lesson just because she can't be arsed to go to
our lessons? I have better things to do with my time - coursework deadlines
are looming and need to be done!

For the record, I've been to *every single* other lesson these past couple
of months.
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
perhaps I'm just punishing myself in some way because I'm missing out on
What kind of sick logic is this?
Explain? I felt as if I was shooting myself in the foot a bit because I was
missing out on the opportunity to be taught by her. However an hours lesson
is not going to make up for the hours that she's missed by not coming to our
normal lessons. I shouldn't have to scrabble desperately for the chance of
actually being taught by her.
Post by Rachel
but she should be there in our normal lessons! 30 mins after the
Post by Rachel
lesson finishes, my mum gets a call on her mobile with the teacher
complaining about me.
Fucking cheek.
Hardly, you should have been there, perhaps.
See above.
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
I'm going to see her tomorrow (mum included - as I know that if I go on my
own, she'll turn it all into MY fault)
It was...you missed the class.
See above, again...
Post by Rachel
and hopefully get something done
Post by Rachel
about it. If she couldn't teach us properly, why has she taken on the
responsibility of our lessons?
Did she have a choice?
Yes. The A/S level group are actually being taught by videoconferencing with
a professor down south - if no other teachers in the school could teach us,
something similar could be set up.

John Porcella
2005-03-23 22:21:56 UTC
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
I have 2 French teachers who share teaching the A2 syllabus. One is
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
the other.. well, she's also assistant head of the school (it's a 6th
Post by Rachel
she teaches lots of languages, and she's basically the stereotypical
extremely busy "career woman".
So what? Are you envious?
Nope, just stating facts.
What facts are you stating?

Does that imply that I'm envious? Where does this
Post by Rachel
logic come from?
I was wondering what relevance her being a "career woman" (sic) had with
anything. You mentioned it when it does not seem relevant, so I am left
wondering why you mentioned it. Given your general negativity towards this
teacher, I hardly suspected that you were trying to praise her for it, so I
was left looking for other motivations for your comments.
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
About 30% of the lessons we are meant to have, she hasn't attended them,
Post by Rachel
to a meeting or whatever. Last week, she was in for half a lesson (we
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
per week with this teacher). The other week, she didn't turn up for
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
can't remember the last time she turned up for a full week.
Have you asked her about it?
Yes - she brushes me off, and changes the subject immediately. She will not
let you continue the conversation. Myself and my classmate have tried to
tackle her about it on quite a few occasions.
Fine, then you are perfectly entitled to escalate the issue.
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
When she doesn't bother to come in, she either sets us a mountain of
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
do, or nothing at all - and then sets us the missed lesson's work PLUS
normal homework, in the next lesson. We're expected to do all this in
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
space of a couple of days. Not to mention the fact that it is harder to
learn the stuff when you're not being TAUGHT it - it is a language after
So what? You can read the books yourself and learn it!
I see that your 'French' is most advanced already!

Have you heard of taking responsibility for yourself? Some people are
completely self-taught.

How am I meant to learn my oral for my oral exam, then?

You have another French teacher, as I understand it?

I need what
Post by Rachel
work I've done to be marked before I learn it, I need my pronounciation and
internation right - you CAN'T learn that from a book!
"Internation"? You can learn spelling from a book! Try it, it is called a
dictionary or even a spell-checker!!
Post by Rachel
What's the point of going to college if you can just learn it all from a
book at home?
You can and should combine both.
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
So then the cheeky bitch decides to schedule extra lessons with us (the
class is only me and one other girl) because we're *behind*! Well, no
That was good of her.
What WOULD be good is for her to turn up to our scheduled lessons. How can
you imply that it's fine for her not to bother?
I implied no such thing! I understood that she put on other classes to make
up for the missed ones. That was good of her.
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
We were meant to have an extra lesson today, and I didn't bother going -
That was bad of you. You can hardly complain of missed lessons, if you
Post by Rachel
the one missing them.
You're joking, aren't you?
No, not even slightly.

She made an effort to compensate you for the cancelled lessons, and you
could not be bothered to go! Then YOU have the cheek to complain! Pot and
kettle come to mind.


She may have had a very good reason, due to her responsibilities elsewhere
in the school/college.

Why should I
Post by Rachel
have to go to a bloody extra lesson just because she can't be arsed to go to
our lessons?
Why should she be bothered to put on extra classes if the students cannot be
bothered to attend them?

I have better things to do with my time

Maybe she has too!

- coursework deadlines
Post by Rachel
are looming and need to be done!
You could have done them in the time of the missed lessons.
Post by Rachel
For the record, I've been to *every single* other lesson these past couple
of months.
Why every "other lesson"? Why not all of them?
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
perhaps I'm just punishing myself in some way because I'm missing out on
What kind of sick logic is this?
Yes please! I cannot fathom your decison making process.

I felt as if I was shooting myself in the foot a bit because I was
Post by Rachel
missing out on the opportunity to be taught by her.
You were.

However an hours lesson
Post by Rachel
is not going to make up for the hours that she's missed by not coming to our
normal lessons.
Maybe so, but then not going to that one hour class was hardly helping you,
was it?

I shouldn't have to scrabble desperately for the chance of
Post by Rachel
actually being taught by her.
"Scrabble desperately"? Do you have a £1m pa job elsewhere to go to? Are
you running the country on the side? What is so valuable about your time
that you are happy to do what you accuse others of i.e. missing lesson(s)?
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
but she should be there in our normal lessons! 30 mins after the
Post by Rachel
lesson finishes, my mum gets a call on her mobile with the teacher
complaining about me.
Fucking cheek.
Hardly, you should have been there, perhaps.
See above.
See above.
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
I'm going to see her tomorrow (mum included - as I know that if I go
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
own, she'll turn it all into MY fault)
It was...you missed the class.
See above, again...
Again, see above.
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
and hopefully get something done
Post by Rachel
about it. If she couldn't teach us properly, why has she taken on the
responsibility of our lessons?
Did she have a choice?
Actually no, in all likelihood. She has to teach for a certain number of
hours to fulfill her contractual obligations.

The A/S level group are actually being taught by videoconferencing with
Post by Rachel
a professor down south - if no other teachers in the school could teach us,
something similar could be set up.
At what additional cost?
John Porcella
2005-03-23 23:00:00 UTC
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
I have 2 French teachers who share teaching the A2 syllabus. One is
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
the other.. well, she's also assistant head of the school (it's a 6th
Post by Rachel
she teaches lots of languages, and she's basically the stereotypical
extremely busy "career woman".
So what? Are you envious?
Nope, just stating facts.
What facts are you stating?
I suggest you re-read the post :)
Post by John Porcella
Does that imply that I'm envious? Where does this
Post by Rachel
logic come from?
I was wondering what relevance her being a "career woman" (sic) had with
anything. You mentioned it when it does not seem relevant, so I am left
wondering why you mentioned it. Given your general negativity towards this
teacher, I hardly suspected that you were trying to praise her for it, so I
was left looking for other motivations for your comments.
The only reason I mentioned it is because I was trying to build up a picture
of her for the benefit of the readers.
There was no emotion behind that particular part of the post.
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
About 30% of the lessons we are meant to have, she hasn't attended
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
to a meeting or whatever. Last week, she was in for half a lesson (we
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
per week with this teacher). The other week, she didn't turn up for
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
can't remember the last time she turned up for a full week.
Have you asked her about it?
Yes - she brushes me off, and changes the subject immediately. She will
Post by Rachel
let you continue the conversation. Myself and my classmate have tried to
tackle her about it on quite a few occasions.
Fine, then you are perfectly entitled to escalate the issue.
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
When she doesn't bother to come in, she either sets us a mountain of
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
do, or nothing at all - and then sets us the missed lesson's work PLUS
normal homework, in the next lesson. We're expected to do all this in
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
space of a couple of days. Not to mention the fact that it is harder
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
learn the stuff when you're not being TAUGHT it - it is a language
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
So what? You can read the books yourself and learn it!
I see that your 'French' is most advanced already!
That type of french is very advanced ;)
Post by John Porcella
Have you heard of taking responsibility for yourself? Some people are
completely self-taught.
How am I meant to learn my oral for my oral exam, then?
You have another French teacher, as I understand it?
Yeah, but she doesn't deal with the oral exams. She's also head of
department - I've seen her timetable and she's never free for any extra
help. I would ask her when we're having a lesson with her, but as we have so
much to get through in other parts of the course, we never have a free
Post by John Porcella
I need what
Post by Rachel
work I've done to be marked before I learn it, I need my pronounciation
Post by Rachel
internation right - you CAN'T learn that from a book!
"Internation"? You can learn spelling from a book! Try it, it is called a
dictionary or even a spell-checker!!
LOL. You're quite right, it is spelt wrong - intonation is the correct word.
Unfortunately my spell checker didn't pick it up as a mis-spelling as
"internation" is also a word.
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
What's the point of going to college if you can just learn it all from a
book at home?
You can and should combine both.
I'm trying to.
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
So then the cheeky bitch decides to schedule extra lessons with us
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
class is only me and one other girl) because we're *behind*! Well, no
That was good of her.
What WOULD be good is for her to turn up to our scheduled lessons. How can
you imply that it's fine for her not to bother?
I implied no such thing! I understood that she put on other classes to make
up for the missed ones. That was good of her.
Perhaps it's quite nice of her to try and make up for it, but the amount of
lessons she's missed won't be made up in a single extra lesson. Personally,
I think she's doing it to try and keep the wolf from the door (i.e. keep up
the bare minimum of teaching hours she gives to us in order for us to scrape
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
We were meant to have an extra lesson today, and I didn't bother
going -
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
That was bad of you. You can hardly complain of missed lessons, if you
Post by Rachel
the one missing them.
You're joking, aren't you?
No, not even slightly.
She made an effort to compensate you for the cancelled lessons, and you
could not be bothered to go! Then YOU have the cheek to complain! Pot and
kettle come to mind.
As I said above, one measly lesson will not make up for the hours she's
missed. I complained because she can't expect us to give up our frees -
which I use for doing coursework and other work for all my subjects.
Post by John Porcella
She may have had a very good reason, due to her responsibilities elsewhere
in the school/college
At the times of our scheduled lessons, her responsibility is to us. I could
be pedantic and state that it's in the learning agreement that I signed when
I enrolled in the college. The part which states that the teachers have a
contractual responsibility to the students and vice versa, for regular,
attended teaching.
Post by John Porcella
Why should I
Post by Rachel
have to go to a bloody extra lesson just because she can't be arsed to
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
our lessons?
Why should she be bothered to put on extra classes if the students cannot be
bothered to attend them?
I have better things to do with my time
Maybe she has too!
Then maybe she shouldn't be taking on the responsibility of teaching us :)
Post by John Porcella
- coursework deadlines
Post by Rachel
are looming and need to be done!
You could have done them in the time of the missed lessons.
As stated before, she gives us a pile of work to do in the missed lessons,
which ends up being hours of work as she gives us too much.
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
For the record, I've been to *every single* other lesson these past couple
of months.
Why every "other lesson"? Why not all of them?
You're misunderstanding me. I'll rephrase - Apart from the "extra" lesson
that I missed, I have attended every single lesson.
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
perhaps I'm just punishing myself in some way because I'm missing
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
What kind of sick logic is this?
Yes please! I cannot fathom your decison making process.
I felt as if I was shooting myself in the foot a bit because I was
Post by Rachel
missing out on the opportunity to be taught by her.
You were.
However an hours lesson
Post by Rachel
is not going to make up for the hours that she's missed by not coming to
Post by Rachel
normal lessons.
Maybe so, but then not going to that one hour class was hardly helping you,
was it?
Perhaps not, but something needed to be done about it - I was creating an
example of how hypocritical it is that she can miss lessons but if I miss a
lesson (set up for the sole reason that she has missed so much), I get
bitten straight away.
Post by John Porcella
I shouldn't have to scrabble desperately for the chance of
Post by Rachel
actually being taught by her.
"Scrabble desperately"? Do you have a £1m pa job elsewhere to go to?
Er, what?
Post by John Porcella
you running the country on the side? What is so valuable about your time
that you are happy to do what you accuse others of i.e. missing lesson(s)?
As I said, one hour isn't going to make up for what she's missed. I think
making an example out of it and getting something *done* about it was far
more worthwhile than going to her extra lesson. Thankfully, something has
been done.

Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
and hopefully get something done
Post by Rachel
about it. If she couldn't teach us properly, why has she taken on the
responsibility of our lessons?
Did she have a choice?
Actually no, in all likelihood. She has to teach for a certain number of
hours to fulfill her contractual obligations.
Exactly - therefore she has to teach *our* lessons to fulfill those
Post by John Porcella
The A/S level group are actually being taught by videoconferencing with
Post by Rachel
a professor down south - if no other teachers in the school could teach
Post by Rachel
something similar could be set up.
At what additional cost?
The money that she gets paid to teach us could go to the teacher who would
videoconference with us.
Post by John Porcella
John Porcella
John Porcella
2005-03-26 11:56:56 UTC
Post by Rachel
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
I have 2 French teachers who share teaching the A2 syllabus. One is
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
the other.. well, she's also assistant head of the school (it's a
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
she teaches lots of languages, and she's basically the
Post by Rachel
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
extremely busy "career woman".
So what? Are you envious?
Nope, just stating facts.
What facts are you stating?
I suggest you re-read the post :)
Done. None the wiser.
Post by Rachel
Post by John Porcella
Does that imply that I'm envious? Where does this
Post by Rachel
logic come from?
I was wondering what relevance her being a "career woman" (sic) had with
anything. You mentioned it when it does not seem relevant, so I am left
wondering why you mentioned it. Given your general negativity towards
Post by John Porcella
teacher, I hardly suspected that you were trying to praise her for it,
Post by Rachel
Post by John Porcella
was left looking for other motivations for your comments.
The only reason I mentioned it is because I was trying to build up a picture
of her for the benefit of the readers.
There was no emotion behind that particular part of the post.
I think you should admit that the opposite is likely to be true when it
comes to the relationship between you and her.
Post by Rachel
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
I see that your 'French' is most advanced already!
That type of french is very advanced ;)
Post by John Porcella
Have you heard of taking responsibility for yourself? Some people are
completely self-taught.
How am I meant to learn my oral for my oral exam, then?
You have another French teacher, as I understand it?
Yeah, but she doesn't deal with the oral exams. She's also head of
department - I've seen her timetable and she's never free for any extra
help. I would ask her when we're having a lesson with her, but as we have so
much to get through in other parts of the course, we never have a free
You might have to hire yourself a private tutor, in that case, alas.
Post by Rachel
Post by John Porcella
I need what
Post by Rachel
work I've done to be marked before I learn it, I need my
Post by Rachel
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
internation right - you CAN'T learn that from a book!
"Internation"? You can learn spelling from a book! Try it, it is
Post by Rachel
Post by John Porcella
dictionary or even a spell-checker!!
LOL. You're quite right, it is spelt wrong - intonation is the correct word.
Unfortunately my spell checker didn't pick it up as a mis-spelling as
"internation" is also a word.
Really? I have heard of 'internment', but 'internation' has me stumped!
Post by Rachel
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
What's the point of going to college if you can just learn it all from a
book at home?
You can and should combine both.
I'm trying to.
Well done.
Post by Rachel
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
So then the cheeky bitch decides to schedule extra lessons with us
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
class is only me and one other girl) because we're *behind*! Well,
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
That was good of her.
What WOULD be good is for her to turn up to our scheduled lessons. How
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
you imply that it's fine for her not to bother?
I implied no such thing! I understood that she put on other classes to
Post by John Porcella
up for the missed ones. That was good of her.
Perhaps it's quite nice of her to try and make up for it, but the amount of
lessons she's missed won't be made up in a single extra lesson. Personally,
I think she's doing it to try and keep the wolf from the door (i.e. keep up
the bare minimum of teaching hours she gives to us in order for us to scrape
I suspect that this will not work if she has missed more scheduled classes
than she is now covering.
Post by Rachel
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
We were meant to have an extra lesson today, and I didn't bother
going -
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
That was bad of you. You can hardly complain of missed lessons, if
Post by John Porcella
Post by Rachel
Post by Rachel
the one missing them.
You're joking, aren't you?
No, not even slightly.
She made an effort to compensate you for the cancelled lessons, and you
could not be bothered to go! Then YOU have the cheek to complain! Pot
Post by John Porcella
kettle come to mind.
As I said above, one measly lesson will not make up for the hours she's
missed. I complained because she can't expect us to give up our frees -
which I use for doing coursework and other work for all my subjects.
You could have used the time from the missed classes, no?
John Porcella
Rebecca Loader
2005-03-23 23:15:41 UTC
"John Porcella" <***@btinternet.com> wrote in message news:d1q4db$6g6$***@sparta.btinternet.com...

John, I'm not sure why I'm bothering to reply, but surely you must realise
that a subject teacher's principal responsibility is to teach the subject?
A-levels for those in full-time education are not supposed to be
self-taught; it /is/ full-time education, after all, and many pupils have
not fully acquired the skills to enable them to teach themselves. It's a
gradual process - A-levels are some way towards a 'half-way house', but not
entirely. If this teacher cannot balance her teaching and management roles
effectively, she - in consultation with the school - ought to make other
arrangements. I'm sure the majority of teachers would agree that that is
better practice than leaving your pupils stranded because you cannot turn
