Here's one for Ian...
(too old to reply)
2005-07-02 10:53:02 UTC
Hydroponic whatsits...

Is there any point to eating them, since they are just grown out of

Actually I figured out the answer to that shortly after asking myself

So here's another question: do they taste different?

I'm thinking, if you know something is hydroponic, your brain will make
you taste it as being more waterry and "cleaner" ... but I was
wondering if you had studied it in your course thingamy, and whether
you could share any insight with us?

Ian/Cath Ford
2005-07-03 18:23:45 UTC
Post by mike
Hydroponic whatsits...
Is there any point to eating them, since they are just grown out of
You can eat your whatsits if you want... :-)
Post by mike
Actually I figured out the answer to that shortly after asking myself
So here's another question: do they taste different?
I'm thinking, if you know something is hydroponic, your brain will make
you taste it as being more waterry and "cleaner" ... but I was
wondering if you had studied it in your course thingamy, and whether
you could share any insight with us?
No idea. I don't really know what hydroponic whatsits are - grown in
water? Like, I guess, cress is on paper towel?

I can't really see why things would taste any more watery/cleaner than
they already are. The gorwing medium doesn't usually effect produce
does it?

New age food eh? Blimey...

Ian, Cath, Eoin and Calum Ford
Beccles, Suffolk, UK

I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday

There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place later
2005-07-03 19:00:42 UTC
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
Post by mike
Hydroponic whatsits...
Is there any point to eating them, since they are just grown out of
You can eat your whatsits if you want... :-)
Post by mike
Actually I figured out the answer to that shortly after asking myself
So here's another question: do they taste different?
I'm thinking, if you know something is hydroponic, your brain will make
you taste it as being more waterry and "cleaner" ... but I was
wondering if you had studied it in your course thingamy, and whether
you could share any insight with us?
No idea. I don't really know what hydroponic whatsits are - grown in
water? Like, I guess, cress is on paper towel?
I can't really see why things would taste any more watery/cleaner than
they already are. The gorwing medium doesn't usually effect produce
does it?
New age food eh? Blimey...
They've been around for ages I'm sure, or did I imagine the whole
thing? :-/

Yeah ...


There we go.

Hmm, guess everything I need to know is there.

I would have thought it *would* taste different. I mean, unless we know
*everything* about how a plant grows, then how do we know for sure what
it is and isn't taking up from the soil?

And if we remove the soil, well, maybe some stuff isn't getting into

Anyway, I shall stop making myself look stupid now.

