Private Sector Acommodation where the uni pays?
(too old to reply)
2005-04-26 15:00:21 UTC
I think this may be a longshot, but hopefully not.

Is there any Uni's in the country that rent themselves private sector
rooms/accomodation and then re-rent it on to students as they wish.

I'm thinking maybe part of a "guranteed accomodation" thing but where
they don't actually have enough of their own halls etc.

2005-04-26 22:14:42 UTC
Post by T.
I think this may be a longshot, but hopefully not.
Is there any Uni's in the country that rent themselves private sector
rooms/accomodation and then re-rent it on to students as they wish.
I'm thinking maybe part of a "guranteed accomodation" thing but where
they don't actually have enough of their own halls etc.
Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but in addition to their own
halls, Liverpool John Moores work in conjunction with a company called
Cosmopolitan Student Housing to provide residence (namely Marybone 1, 2, and
3) for their students.

2005-04-27 09:20:13 UTC
Post by Rachel
Post by T.
I think this may be a longshot, but hopefully not.
Is there any Uni's in the country that rent themselves private sector
rooms/accomodation and then re-rent it on to students as they wish.
I'm thinking maybe part of a "guranteed accomodation" thing but where
they don't actually have enough of their own halls etc.
Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but in addition to their own
halls, Liverpool John Moores work in conjunction with a company called
Cosmopolitan Student Housing to provide residence (namely Marybone 1, 2, and
3) for their students.

Anyone else know of any others?
Robert de Vincy
2005-04-27 15:55:45 UTC
Post by T.
Anyone else know of any others?
I'm not 100% sure, but I have vague memories of St Cuthbert's (a college
at Durham Uni) needing to rent non-College accommodation for the year
that I started (2003) to cope with the intake.

They may still be doing that, if that's what they did then.
Dr A. N. Walker
2005-04-27 16:30:50 UTC
Post by Robert de Vincy
I'm not 100% sure, but I have vague memories of St Cuthbert's (a college
at Durham Uni) needing to rent non-College accommodation for the year
that I started (2003) to cope with the intake.
Oh. Well, if we're into that sort of territory, *many*
moons ago, in the first year this univ offered an accommodation
guarantee, they wrote round to all applicants after offers had
been made saying "you will *definitely* get a place in hall".
They had in fact been giving such places for years, so "knew"
they could cope; but they didn't realise how popular the
written guarantee would be. There was a 25% increase in the
take-up rate, so something like 700 spare students swilling
around with no rooms, and the univ was renting accommodation
as far out as Skeggie.

They still blamed the ATs for overshooting quota, though.

That was 20+ years ago, before there were cheap[-ish]
hotel rooms locally. Our accommodation bods are much more savvy
these days! I don't think we've had significant problems in the
last decade or so, and if we did I expect there are "insurance"
arrangements both with Trent and with local hotels.
Andy Walker, School of MathSci., Univ. of Nott'm, UK.
John Porcella
2005-05-31 14:40:13 UTC
Post by T.
I think this may be a longshot, but hopefully not.
Is there any Uni's
ARE there any univerisities...!!! Why the apostophe?

With dodgy grammar like that, I hope you were not hoping to go to one!

in the country that rent themselves private sector
Post by T.
rooms/accomodation and then re-rent it on to students as they wish.
I'm thinking maybe part of a "guranteed accomodation" thing but where
they don't actually have enough of their own halls etc.
The University of Hull was well know in my days there as having plenty of
John Porcella
Stuart Williams
2005-05-31 17:53:12 UTC
Post by John Porcella
Post by T.
I think this may be a longshot, but hopefully not.
Is there any Uni's
ARE there any univerisities...!!! Why the apostophe?
With dodgy grammar like that, I hope you were not hoping to go to one!
in the country that rent themselves private sector
Post by T.
rooms/accomodation and then re-rent it on to students as they wish.
I'm thinking maybe part of a "guranteed accomodation" thing but where
they don't actually have enough of their own halls etc.
The University of Hull was well know in my days there as having plenty of
well know? well know??
Dear God, the standard of English of these Hull
graduates.........(Did you graduate, John? Or did they
realise they'd made an horrific mistake?)

And by the way, it's old-fashioned to stick an
apostrophe into plurals which might be misread at speed

Ho hum. Sometimes I think the death of this group would
be preferable to Porcella continuing to strut and fret
his hour upon the stage.

John Porcella
2005-06-29 16:58:41 UTC
Post by Stuart Williams
well know? well know??
Dear God, the standard of English of these Hull
graduates.........(Did you graduate, John? Or did they
realise they'd made an horrific mistake?)

With spelling like that from me, I think that they made a very terrible
mistake!! I shall have to castigate myself horribly for that one!!
Post by Stuart Williams
And by the way, it's old-fashioned to stick an
apostrophe into plurals which might be misread at speed
It is.
John Porcella