Post by Chris HighamPost by cowboy carlyou know you are a geek when you use the words "computer" and "sexy" in the
same sentence.
and no mention of the opposite sex within several megabytes of data either
If you want to see a "sexy" computer look what I bought without
reading/realising just what it did until I turned it on...
*hangs head in shame*
Computers are like cars. Some can be "sexy" in that you wouldn't physically
have sex with them or even consider it, but they're just, well, sexy (like
Powerbooks and Vaios and Ferraris). Sexy is an image thing. And like cars,
they can be garish with stupid neon lights all over them and silly exhuasts
driven by pathetic classless mornic 17 year old rudeboys with no sex appeal
whatsoever, Chris.