Hello again!
(too old to reply)
2007-01-13 00:01:16 UTC

I don't mean to sound egotistical, but I will. Does anyone remember

I was just browsing, and there are hardly any posts, but I saw a few
from the likes of Ian, Cath and baby Eoin (and now, I see, a Calum,
congratuations!), Katy, Ginnie, Mark T, John P, Matthew H, Becky, Rob
de V, Alex, Niall, Toby, and, last but by no means least, Jess.

I don't suppose many of those people still check this newsgroup, but if
they do, HELLO!, and if any live in or around London, we should have a
reunion! Like an aua-meet, they were fun!

Cowboy Carl
and probably a few others I've forgotten...
Robert de Vincy
2007-01-13 01:07:07 UTC
Post by mike
I don't mean to sound egotistical, but I will. Does anyone remember
I was just browsing, and there are hardly any posts, but I saw a few
from the likes of Ian, Cath and baby Eoin (and now, I see, a Calum,
congratuations!), Katy, Ginnie, Mark T, John P, Matthew H, Becky, Rob
de V, Alex, Niall, Toby, and, last but by no means least, Jess.
I don't suppose many of those people still check this newsgroup, but
if they do, HELLO!, and if any live in or around London, we should
have a reunion! Like an aua-meet, they were fun!
Cowboy Carl
and probably a few others I've forgotten...
Hi, adam. Yes, I remember you! I've still got AUA on my subscription
list and if any new posts pop up then I notice them, but how often does
that happen these days?

We seemed to have a lack of "new" A-level/undergrads joining so the
group died naturally when the current crop had outgrown it.

As for Londoning it, I'm still living in Durham, since I'm too lazy
to move away now that I've been here three years. I guess it's become
"home" for me!
2007-01-16 00:14:44 UTC
Post by mike
I don't mean to sound egotistical, but I will. Does anyone remember
I was just browsing, and there are hardly any posts, but I saw a few
from the likes of Ian, Cath and baby Eoin (and now, I see, a Calum,
congratuations!), Katy, Ginnie, Mark T, John P, Matthew H, Becky, Rob
de V, Alex, Niall, Toby, and, last but by no means least, Jess.

I remember you. I very rarely check this (I'm 26 - it's over ten years
since I started A-levels!), but Niall, the vain so-and-so, was googling
himself and mentioned a.u.a to me over MSN, so I thought I'd mosey over
and see if anything had been posted lately. How are you? What are you
up to these days?

2007-01-16 00:20:06 UTC
Post by r***@hotmail.co.uk
Post by mike
I don't mean to sound egotistical, but I will. Does anyone remember
I was just browsing, and there are hardly any posts, but I saw a few
from the likes of Ian, Cath and baby Eoin (and now, I see, a Calum,
congratuations!), Katy, Ginnie, Mark T, John P, Matthew H, Becky, Rob
de V, Alex, Niall, Toby, and, last but by no means least, Jess.
I remember you. I very rarely check this (I'm 26 - it's over ten years
since I started A-levels!), but Niall, the vain so-and-so, was googling
himself and mentioned a.u.a to me over MSN, so I thought I'd mosey over
and see if anything had been posted lately. How are you? What are you
up to these days?
I remember you too... and as for Becky, who brought up autogooglation
in the first place, pffffft :p

I got my MBA, by the way. Not working yet.
2007-01-22 00:03:48 UTC
Post by n***@gmail.com
Post by r***@hotmail.co.uk
Post by mike
I don't mean to sound egotistical, but I will. Does anyone remember
I was just browsing, and there are hardly any posts, but I saw a few
from the likes of Ian, Cath and baby Eoin (and now, I see, a Calum,
congratuations!), Katy, Ginnie, Mark T, John P, Matthew H, Becky, Rob
de V, Alex, Niall, Toby, and, last but by no means least, Jess.
I remember you. I very rarely check this (I'm 26 - it's over ten years
since I started A-levels!), but Niall, the vain so-and-so, was googling
himself and mentioned a.u.a to me over MSN, so I thought I'd mosey over
and see if anything had been posted lately. How are you? What are you
up to these days?
I remember you too... and as for Becky, who brought up autogooglation
in the first place, pffffft :p
I got my MBA, by the way. Not working yet.
You were working for Symbian for a while, as I recall...

I'm guessing you aren't any more. A friend of mine just started work

Small world.

Oh wait, you were working for Symbian in Finland, weren't you? My
buddy is working in London.

Funny how memories work.

I forgot my credit card pin number on Friday. I've had the same pin
number for years, and I had used it earlier that evening, but then I
went to pay for the third bottle of wine, and my brain had gone
completely blank. Still can't remember it.

2007-01-22 00:00:57 UTC
Post by r***@hotmail.co.uk
Post by mike
I don't mean to sound egotistical, but I will. Does anyone remember
I was just browsing, and there are hardly any posts, but I saw a few
from the likes of Ian, Cath and baby Eoin (and now, I see, a Calum,
congratuations!), Katy, Ginnie, Mark T, John P, Matthew H, Becky, Rob
de V, Alex, Niall, Toby, and, last but by no means least, Jess.
I remember you. I very rarely check this (I'm 26 - it's over ten years
since I started A-levels!), but Niall, the vain so-and-so, was googling
himself and mentioned a.u.a to me over MSN, so I thought I'd mosey over
and see if anything had been posted lately. How are you? What are you
up to these days?
Hey hey,

I graduated in June 2005 and entered the big wide world of work (after
a summer's mini-travelling and falling in love with new zealand and my
girlfriend - both at the same time).

Now working in the city (although I'm on the side of the good-guys) and
saving up for a sheep farm, or maybe a vineyard, in NZ. Could take a

Do you (or does anyone) use usenet in a more general sense anymore? I
use gmail now so I don't really have a usenet client. I guess
newsgroups were always 'tacked on' to email, and now my email shifted
hands (from outlook to gmail), usenet got lost along the way. And I
was wondering whether that was a general shift in the online populus,
or whether it was just me.

It's weird how much things have changed in so little time.

Nice to hear you are still in contact with Niall ... which brings me on
to my next post.....
Matthew Huntbach
2007-01-22 10:53:51 UTC
Post by mike
Do you (or does anyone) use usenet in a more general sense anymore? I
use gmail now so I don't really have a usenet client. I guess
newsgroups were always 'tacked on' to email, and now my email shifted
hands (from outlook to gmail), usenet got lost along the way. And I
was wondering whether that was a general shift in the online populus,
or whether it was just me.
It seems to be a general pattern. The growth of various chat-rooms and
blogs and on-line notice boards and the like mean that a lot of traffic
that used to take place on usenet no longer does. This is perhaps
inevitable, usenet couldn't really scale up to many millions of users.
I occasionally look at http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/ for a student's
eye of things, but I think it's fairly obvious that all the traffic
there couldn't be squeezed down onto one newsgroup though it seems to
serve a similar purpose to the one this newsgroup used to (I have no idea
whether this is the main forum for this sort of thing now, or just one
of many). Seems to me usenet is like Citizens' Band Radio - an old technology,
still has its afficionados, but mainly old-timers who use it because they've
always used it, few new people coming in and it couldn't handle all the vast
numbers of people who now do similar things using web-based services

Matthew Huntbach
Ian Ford
2007-01-23 12:55:06 UTC
Post by Matthew Huntbach
Post by mike
Do you (or does anyone) use usenet in a more general sense anymore? I
I occasionally look at http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/ for a student's
eye of things, but I think it's fairly obvious that all the traffic
I looke over there a couple of days ago actually. It's *huge* - scarily
so. I doubt I could find anything on it to be honest - perhaps very
subject specific stuff, but in terms of a "community" it seems far too
big to be able to spawn anything much. And there was munchkins
comparing their KS3 results...

There also seemed to be a large number of stupidly huge sigs with
flashing stuff and different colours. Ugh - give me black and white any
day :-)
Post by Matthew Huntbach
Seems to me usenet is like Citizens' Band Radio - an old technology,
still has its afficionados, but mainly old-timers who use it because they've
always used it, few new people coming in and it couldn't handle all the vast
numbers of people who now do similar things using web-based services
Ah, I'm an old timer :-) Sounds about right actually.

I make a little use of a basball group and at it teaching one. But not
much beyond that I s'pose. I think there's still a role for them - I
find the message boards I do use to be difficult to follow threads,
whereas Agent always made that dead easy. I only tend to use smallish
boards though. Clearly I'm too old for anything else :-)

Adam Atkinson
2007-01-29 08:13:27 UTC
Post by mike
Do you (or does anyone) use usenet in a more general sense anymore?
For years, I seemed to be the only person who even noticed when my
news server stopped working. I don't remember when I gave up on it
completely -
a year or two, maybe. I don't seem to have much choice any more but to
use dejanews,
or google groups, or whatever it's called at the moment. There are
still some newsgroups
which are usable, though the only ones I'm active on are Italian ones.
It probably is
true that newsgroups are on their way out.
2007-05-17 10:32:45 UTC
Post by mike
Do you (or does anyone) use usenet in a more general sense anymore? I
use gmail now so I don't really have a usenet client. I guess
newsgroups were always 'tacked on' to email, and now my email shifted
hands (from outlook to gmail), usenet got lost along the way. And I
was wondering whether that was a general shift in the online populus,
or whether it was just me.
This is my first post on usenet for a long time. I think it was a
combination of lots of things, including things being rather slow in
here (this was one of the few ngs that I ever really posted in.
Paradoxically, I gave up on another one [rec.music.hip-hop] as it was
too busy and I didn't have the time for it anymore, though I think I may
resubscribe as I'm a bit out of the loop of rap music now). I've been
using an online forum instead to while away my time. I think as well, I
have much less time for the internet in general; I can't remember the
last time I went on msn and am quite rubbish at replying to emails.

I'm using firefox, as that's what I use to view my gmail account. It
seems to be working fine so far (well, I'll see if this actually sends)
but the messages aren't arranged in threads which is a bit confusing.

It's quite ironic really, that as this ng has declined, the advertising
seems to have gone up. I'm not quite sure who these people think they
are advertising to!

Yeh, anyway, I don't remember you. :p
2007-06-02 20:24:19 UTC
Post by Jessica
Post by mike
Do you (or does anyone) use usenet in a more general sense anymore? I
use gmail now so I don't really have a usenet client. I guess
newsgroups were always 'tacked on' to email, and now my email shifted
hands (from outlook to gmail), usenet got lost along the way. And I
was wondering whether that was a general shift in the online populus,
or whether it was just me.
This is my first post on usenet for a long time. I think it was a
combination of lots of things, including things being rather slow in
here (this was one of the few ngs that I ever really posted in.
Paradoxically, I gave up on another one [rec.music.hip-hop] as it was
too busy and I didn't have the time for it anymore, though I think I may
resubscribe as I'm a bit out of the loop of rap music now). I've been
using an online forum instead to while away my time. I think as well, I
have much less time for the internet in general; I can't remember the
last time I went on msn and am quite rubbish at replying to emails.
I'm using firefox, as that's what I use to view my gmail account. It
seems to be working fine so far (well, I'll see if this actually sends)
but the messages aren't arranged in threads which is a bit confusing.
It's quite ironic really, that as this ng has declined, the advertising
seems to have gone up. I'm not quite sure who these people think they
are advertising to!
Yeh, anyway, I don't remember you. :p
Who are you?
Robert de Vincy
2007-06-07 10:02:09 UTC
Post by mike
Who are you?
Who are *you*?
2007-01-16 10:48:30 UTC
Post by mike
I don't mean to sound egotistical, but I will. Does anyone remember
No, can't say I do **:-)**

Just happened to come this way through web based stuff as my isp
appears not to support aua - although, as people have said, it seems to
have pretty much died in one way or the other. I look in very
occasionally but haven't written anything for ages and ages. So it was
nice to see some old names <waves>

Stll doing pretty much what I was doing, although most of my teaching
is IT now. Very worrying. I'm, naturally, getting them all to apply for
compsci degrees at QMU :-)

Small people are doing fine as well. One in school...

2007-01-22 00:16:46 UTC
Post by i***@virgin.net
Post by mike
I don't mean to sound egotistical, but I will. Does anyone remember
No, can't say I do **:-)**
Just happened to come this way through web based stuff as my isp
appears not to support aua - although, as people have said, it seems to
have pretty much died in one way or the other. I look in very
occasionally but haven't written anything for ages and ages. So it was
nice to see some old names <waves>
Stll doing pretty much what I was doing, although most of my teaching
is IT now. Very worrying. I'm, naturally, getting them all to apply for
compsci degrees at QMU :-)
Small people are doing fine as well. One in school...
My degree (maths & compsci) made me decided not to follow a career in
computing, although I seem to have become a bit of a systems expert for
one of the IT systems at work. Which is also very worrying.

Small people are scary.

I was thinking the other day ... I bought a flat recently, and to help
out with the rent, I have a good friend living with me (he is still a
student). I've really got into cooking (getting organic veg boxes
delivered and everything), and I cook for my housemate most nights.

On Thursday, it suddenly occured to me that when he moves out, he's
going to go from eating well and heathly food, to eating junk, because
he doesn't know how to cook. And that was a scary thought. So I've
decided to teach him some of the recipies I know.

But then I thought, having a kid must be about a million times worse.
My parents sent me to university knowing that I couldn't cook anything
much more than baked beans on toast and marconi cheese. I could never
do that. I now understand why my mum gives me a huge bag of food every
time I go home.

Anyway, big fan of food now, is me. And I seem to recall you being one

I don't have an oven, all I have is a two ring portable electric hob
(need to buy a new kitchen, the flat didn't really come with one), so
finding dishes I can cook has been a challenge. But Nigel's "Appetite"
has been my bible and I've been getting by.

Beef strogonof tomorrow (from Delia).

Yum (I hope).

Ian Ford
2007-01-23 20:21:09 UTC
Post by mike
Small people are scary.
This is quite possibly true. Cute though :-)
Post by mike
I was thinking the other day ... I bought a flat recently, and to help
out with the rent, I have a good friend living with me (he is still a
student). I've really got into cooking (getting organic veg boxes
delivered and everything), and I cook for my housemate most nights.
You can afford to buy a flat in London *and* have organic veggies
delivered? What is this job you have with the "good guys"? Are you sure
you're not with the Dark Side? Or simply extracting money from people
with menaces?
Post by mike
Anyway, big fan of food now, is me. And I seem to recall you being one
I don't have an oven, all I have is a two ring portable electric hob
(need to buy a new kitchen, the flat didn't really come with one), so
finding dishes I can cook has been a challenge. But Nigel's "Appetite"
has been my bible and I've been getting by.
Beef strogonof tomorrow (from Delia).
The Blessed St. Delia of this parish if you please :-)

2 rings must be hard work man. After you've stewed it or fried it or
boiled it you'd pretty much be done. Not sure I could cope without a
proper oven really. Not a huge fan of either Delia or Slater actually -
they're OK but I tend to use the basic stuff nowadays - Leith's is good
once you get a slightly bigger kitchen. Gives you a pretty darned solid
breakdown of how to do most things pretty well.

Didn't you once consider vegetarianism? Or am I confusing you - I
always used to do that with Becky and Becka...
