2004-10-17 22:30:08 UTC
Maths is going very well, however I am having a slight problem, I need a
place to sit OCR (MEI) maths Examinations....I have phoned up many of the
local colleges, Southwark,Lewishem,Greenwich...However, I am getting the
following problems:
1, I cannot be entered for the exams privately because they only let
students that have been enrolled into anyone of their courses to only be
entered into an exam.
2,The college is registered to EDEXCEL exam board , therefore I am not
allowed to take exams for any other exam board for that given subject.
My tutor has been searching for a place too, however there is no luck, so I
was wondering if anyone on here could help out, otherwise I will have no
choice but to be entered for the EDexcel exams my old sixthform. I do not
mind doing Edexcel , as I did it 2 years back but my tutor is much more
familiar with OCR, so therefore its only logical to do OCR. Thank you.
Maths is going very well, however I am having a slight problem, I need a
place to sit OCR (MEI) maths Examinations....I have phoned up many of the
local colleges, Southwark,Lewishem,Greenwich...However, I am getting the
following problems:
1, I cannot be entered for the exams privately because they only let
students that have been enrolled into anyone of their courses to only be
entered into an exam.
2,The college is registered to EDEXCEL exam board , therefore I am not
allowed to take exams for any other exam board for that given subject.
My tutor has been searching for a place too, however there is no luck, so I
was wondering if anyone on here could help out, otherwise I will have no
choice but to be entered for the EDexcel exams my old sixthform. I do not
mind doing Edexcel , as I did it 2 years back but my tutor is much more
familiar with OCR, so therefore its only logical to do OCR. Thank you.