2005-07-18 18:31:06 UTC
Hi there,
I need to know if I can sit some a-levels in entirety as soon as
possible. The trouble is that I'm finding it very difficult to find out
how possible this is. No-one seems to be able to sit down with me and
confirm my vague findings or tell me where I should be looking - so I
was wondering if any of you might be able to shed some light on my
I will try and set out my questions clearly so they will hopefully be
easier to answer rather than just asking for 'general advice'... here
1) I am assuming that I'll have to wait until January, since exams only
seem to run in January and June. Is this correct or can I sit an
a-level sooner?
2) From my research, January looks to be for the purpose of sitting
'some' subject modules...what I'm not sure about is whether it is
possible to do ALL modules in one sitting - looking over an AQA
(examining board) timetable, it seems that quite often modules for the
same subject run at the same time if they are A/S and A2. Is it
possible to sit all 6 (or whatever) modules in one go? How are exam
timetable clashes dealt with?
3) I am looking to sit as a private candidate, and am unsure how much
the exam centre/local college permitting me to sit with their students,
has a part to play... specifically in regard to my next question
4) Many subjects are comprised of 6 modules, but often one of those is
100% coursework assessed - like some kind of final project. How is this
done if sitting as an external candidate? Does the examining board send
me a question and I just submit my work back to them? Or perhaps I
submit my coursework to the centre where I sit exams? How would the
length of time given to me to complete this be dictated? Is it possible
to opt out of the coursework module and do another exam module instead?
5) OK so, assuming I can sit an entire a-level (or more?) in January
(or sooner!?), what would be my next step? Can I arrange exam entry,
book a place in an exam hall for all the required exams, sort out
coursework, and find the syllabus and past papers all in one go? If not
are there any clues as to in which order, and from where/who I should
make enquiries too about going about this?
I don't want to pay out for distance learning courses which seem to
organise all this for you, since I am reasonably sure that I can sit
these qualifications without too much effort in quite a short space of
time, and don't want to pay for the learning materials (I just want to
sit the exams). I'm thinking of doing Computing, Law, and maybe
Economics - so I assume that I won't need any special conditions, i.e.
there is unlikely to be any practical exams and so don't need to look
for a special exam centre with lab apparatus; as maybe you'd need for
chem or something like that.
I hope I have covered everything, if there are any glaringly obvious
points that I'm missing out I would really appreciate some words of
wisdom that anyone might want to offer :)
Thanks again
I need to know if I can sit some a-levels in entirety as soon as
possible. The trouble is that I'm finding it very difficult to find out
how possible this is. No-one seems to be able to sit down with me and
confirm my vague findings or tell me where I should be looking - so I
was wondering if any of you might be able to shed some light on my
I will try and set out my questions clearly so they will hopefully be
easier to answer rather than just asking for 'general advice'... here
1) I am assuming that I'll have to wait until January, since exams only
seem to run in January and June. Is this correct or can I sit an
a-level sooner?
2) From my research, January looks to be for the purpose of sitting
'some' subject modules...what I'm not sure about is whether it is
possible to do ALL modules in one sitting - looking over an AQA
(examining board) timetable, it seems that quite often modules for the
same subject run at the same time if they are A/S and A2. Is it
possible to sit all 6 (or whatever) modules in one go? How are exam
timetable clashes dealt with?
3) I am looking to sit as a private candidate, and am unsure how much
the exam centre/local college permitting me to sit with their students,
has a part to play... specifically in regard to my next question
4) Many subjects are comprised of 6 modules, but often one of those is
100% coursework assessed - like some kind of final project. How is this
done if sitting as an external candidate? Does the examining board send
me a question and I just submit my work back to them? Or perhaps I
submit my coursework to the centre where I sit exams? How would the
length of time given to me to complete this be dictated? Is it possible
to opt out of the coursework module and do another exam module instead?
5) OK so, assuming I can sit an entire a-level (or more?) in January
(or sooner!?), what would be my next step? Can I arrange exam entry,
book a place in an exam hall for all the required exams, sort out
coursework, and find the syllabus and past papers all in one go? If not
are there any clues as to in which order, and from where/who I should
make enquiries too about going about this?
I don't want to pay out for distance learning courses which seem to
organise all this for you, since I am reasonably sure that I can sit
these qualifications without too much effort in quite a short space of
time, and don't want to pay for the learning materials (I just want to
sit the exams). I'm thinking of doing Computing, Law, and maybe
Economics - so I assume that I won't need any special conditions, i.e.
there is unlikely to be any practical exams and so don't need to look
for a special exam centre with lab apparatus; as maybe you'd need for
chem or something like that.
I hope I have covered everything, if there are any glaringly obvious
points that I'm missing out I would really appreciate some words of
wisdom that anyone might want to offer :)
Thanks again