Some questions about gap years
(too old to reply)
t r newmark
2005-04-27 15:31:43 UTC

I have to admit, I'm a bit of an imposter, having done by A-levels about
5 years ago. I was hoping that some of you could possibly answer a few
questions (below). The reason I'm interested is that I'm currently
working on a university project in anthropology at Durham University
aimed at analysing people's attitudes to the developing world and would
love to find out what people of your age and experience think.

There are no right or wrong answers to the following questions. They
aim to elicit your attitudes regarding various topics and therefore just
be as honest as possible. I realise that these questions are quite open
to a number of different interpretations but just answer them as you want.

1. Age:
2. Sex:
3. What are you reading at Durham University?:

4. What are your immediate feelings about those that inhabit developing

5. Where do you think these feelings about the developing world, originated?

6. What kind of standard of life do you think people have in the
developing world compared to your own in the UK?

7. What do you think are the differences between your life and the lives
of those in developing countries?

8. Do you think GAP years to developing countries are a good idea?

9. What do you think the advantages of a GAP year are to:

a) An individual doing a gap year

b) The UK

c) The local population of the host country

10. What do you think are the disadvantages of a gap year in a
developing country?


Any questions regarding this project, please don't hesitate to ask.
I've been on a gap year to Tanzania so if anybody has any queries, if
they're planning on going on one, please just send me an email.

Kind regards

Tom Newmark
t r newmark
2005-04-27 15:32:37 UTC
Sorry, ignore the second question!
Post by t r newmark
I have to admit, I'm a bit of an imposter, having done by A-levels about
5 years ago. I was hoping that some of you could possibly answer a few
questions (below). The reason I'm interested is that I'm currently
working on a university project in anthropology at Durham University
aimed at analysing people's attitudes to the developing world and would
love to find out what people of your age and experience think.
There are no right or wrong answers to the following questions. They
aim to elicit your attitudes regarding various topics and therefore just
be as honest as possible. I realise that these questions are quite open
to a number of different interpretations but just answer them as you want.
4. What are your immediate feelings about those that inhabit
developing countries?
5. Where do you think these feelings about the developing world,
6. What kind of standard of life do you think people have in the
developing world compared to your own in the UK?
7. What do you think are the differences between your life and the
lives of those in developing countries?
8. Do you think GAP years to developing countries are a good idea?
a) An individual doing a gap year
b) The UK
c) The local population of the host country
10. What do you think are the disadvantages of a gap year in a
developing country?
Any questions regarding this project, please don't hesitate to ask. I've
been on a gap year to Tanzania so if anybody has any queries, if they're
planning on going on one, please just send me an email.
Kind regards
Tom Newmark
t r newmark
2005-04-27 16:08:08 UTC
This is silly, I mean ignore the third question.
Post by t r newmark
Sorry, ignore the second question!
Post by t r newmark
I have to admit, I'm a bit of an imposter, having done by A-levels
about 5 years ago. I was hoping that some of you could possibly
answer a few questions (below). The reason I'm interested is that
I'm currently working on a university project in anthropology at
Durham University aimed at analysing people's attitudes to the
developing world and would love to find out what people of your age
and experience think.
There are no right or wrong answers to the following questions. They
aim to elicit your attitudes regarding various topics and therefore
just be as honest as possible. I realise that these questions are
quite open to a number of different interpretations but just answer
them as you want.
4. What are your immediate feelings about those that inhabit
developing countries?
5. Where do you think these feelings about the developing world,
6. What kind of standard of life do you think people have in the
developing world compared to your own in the UK?
7. What do you think are the differences between your life and the
lives of those in developing countries?
8. Do you think GAP years to developing countries are a good idea?
a) An individual doing a gap year
b) The UK
c) The local population of the host country
10. What do you think are the disadvantages of a gap year in a
developing country?
Any questions regarding this project, please don't hesitate to ask.
I've been on a gap year to Tanzania so if anybody has any queries, if
they're planning on going on one, please just send me an email.
Kind regards
Tom Newmark
2005-04-28 08:35:46 UTC
Post by t r newmark
I have to admit, I'm a bit of an imposter, having done by A-levels about
5 years ago. I was hoping that some of you could possibly answer a few
questions (below). The reason I'm interested is that I'm currently
working on a university project in anthropology at Durham University
aimed at analysing people's attitudes to the developing world and would
love to find out what people of your age and experience think.
There are no right or wrong answers to the following questions. They
aim to elicit your attitudes regarding various topics and therefore just
be as honest as possible. I realise that these questions are quite open
to a number of different interpretations but just answer them as you want.
1. Age: 18
2. Sex: Female
3. What are you reading at Durham University?: N/A
4. What are your immediate feelings about those that inhabit developing
countries? I feel awful about their poverty, and in some countries, the
government has caused a lot of it (Mugabe for example).
Post by t r newmark
5. Where do you think these feelings about the developing world,
originated? After all the press about Zimbabwe and the situation there, I
began to resent Band Aid etc a bit as we've been throwing money at the
situation for years and it hasn't seemed to help much.
Post by t r newmark
6. What kind of standard of life do you think people have in the
developing world compared to your own in the UK? I think it's a bit
ethnocentric to judge their culture based on our own culture, however
obviously they seem to have a poverty stricken life. However - have they
ever experienced anything else?
Post by t r newmark
7. What do you think are the differences between your life and the lives
of those in developing countries? Everything. Sorry if that's a bit
vague, but I can't see anything - culturally - that they have in common with
Post by t r newmark
8. Do you think GAP years to developing countries are a good idea? I
don't think it's a bad idea, if you want to - go for it!
Post by t r newmark
a) An individual doing a gap year -- Experience of the world as a whole.
b) The UK -- Not sure.
c) The local population of the host country -- Well if you can help them
to make their lives a bit easier, then surely that's not a bad thing :)
Post by t r newmark
10. What do you think are the disadvantages of a gap year in a
developing country? None that I can see.
P.S. I guess you're working with Todd Rae then? His wife is my Psychology
teacher! *g*
