Merry Christmas to Every...
(too old to reply)
2004-12-24 18:27:05 UTC
2004-12-25 00:00:00 UTC
Post by Toby
I heard... 23:59, looks like a countdown is required:
<snip countdown>

Merry Christmas!
2004-12-25 00:04:17 UTC
On Sat, 25 Dec 2004 00:00:00 +0000, Matt wrote:
I call that fluke :)
Richard Hayden
2004-12-25 00:42:40 UTC
Matt wrote:
| On Sat, 25 Dec 2004 00:00:00 +0000, Matt wrote:
| ^^^^^^^^
| I call that fluke :)

Matt, I was unaware that you also posted on here!

I think that I worthy of a 'wow'.

Merry Xmas,

Richard Hayden.
Richard Hayden
2004-12-25 00:41:59 UTC
Matt wrote:
| On Sat, 25 Dec 2004 00:00:00 +0000, Matt wrote:
| ^^^^^^^^
| I call that fluke :)

Matt, I was unaware that you also posted on here!

I think that I worthy of a 'wow'.

Merry Xmas,

Richard Hayden.
2004-12-25 19:57:27 UTC
Post by Richard Hayden
| ^^^^^^^^
| I call that fluke :)
Matt, I was unaware that you also posted on here!
Richard, you're memory's going:
(and that groups-beta is nasty. How much storage space do you think it
would take to make a Usenet archive?)
Post by Richard Hayden
I think that I worthy of a 'wow'.
Merry Xmas,
Merry Christmas, see you (and Matt Johnson) next year.
Richard Hayden
2004-12-25 21:46:52 UTC
Matt wrote:
| On Sat, 25 Dec 2004 00:41:59 +0000, Richard Hayden wrote:
|>Matt wrote:
|>| On Sat, 25 Dec 2004 00:00:00 +0000, Matt wrote:
|>| ^^^^^^^^
|>| I call that fluke :)
|>Matt, I was unaware that you also posted on here!
| Richard, you're memory's going:
| http://groups-beta.google.com/group/alt.uk.a-levels/msg/7576ec3ebeb50fef

Oh yeah. That would be the alcohol :S

| (and that groups-beta is nasty. How much storage space do you think it
| would take to make a Usenet archive?)

Why? Do you want to make one? :p IIRC Google offers access to about 800
million articles (!). Assuming that they're all just text (does Google
archive binaries?) and maybe average at about 10 KiB in size (may be a
bit high there) then that would require about 7.4 TiB if I'm correct.
I'm sure CSG wouldn't mind supporting this project, they must have a
spare 10 TiB or so lying around in that server room of theirs...

|>I think that I worthy of a 'wow'.
|>Merry Xmas,
| Merry Christmas, see you (and Matt Johnson) next year.

See you in 2005...

Matt Johnson
2004-12-26 13:21:06 UTC
Post by Matt
Post by Richard Hayden
| ^^^^^^^^
| I call that fluke :)
Matt, I was unaware that you also posted on here!
(and that groups-beta is nasty. How much storage space do you think it
would take to make a Usenet archive?)
Post by Richard Hayden
I think that I worthy of a 'wow'.
Merry Xmas,
Merry Christmas, see you (and Matt Johnson) next year.
Thanks, you too!

- --M

- --
Matt Johnson <***@doc.ic.ac.uk>
Junior Systems Programmer
Computing Support Group

"Gross incompetence is defined as '144 computer programmers'."
- James Crick
2004-12-25 18:27:34 UTC
in the au jus.

Bisque à l?Enfant

Honor the memory of Grandma with this dish by utilizing her good
silver soup tureen and her great grandchildren (crawfish, crab or
lobster will work just as well, however this dish is classically
made with crawfish).

Stuffed infant heads, stuffed crawfish heads, stuffed crab or lobster shells;
make patties if shell or head is not available
(such as with packaged crawfish, crab, or headless baby).
bell peppers
garlic salt, pepper, etc.
3 cups chicken stock
2 sticks butter
3 tablespoons oil

First stuff the heads, or make the patties (see index)
then fry or bake.
Set aside to drain on paper towels.
Make a roux with butter, oil and flour,
brown vegetables in the roux, then add chicken stock and
allow to simmer for 20 minutes.
Add the patties or stuffed heads, and some loose crawfish,
lobster, long piglet, or what have you.
Cook on low for 15 minutes, then allow it to set for at least
15 minutes more.
Serve over steamed rice; this dish is very impressive!

Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

Babies really can be found under a cabbage leaf -
or one can arrange for ground beef to be found there instead.

8 large cabbage leaves
1 lb. lean ground newborn human filets, or ground chuck
soy sauce
salt pepper, etc
Olive oil
Tomato Gravy (see index)

Boil the cabbage leaves for 2 minutes to soften.
In skillet, brown the meat in a little olive oil,
then add onions, peppers, and celery (all chopped finely)
and season well.
Place in a large bowl and cool.
Add seasoned breadcrumbs and a little of the
2004-12-25 22:18:25 UTC
Post by Matt
in the au jus.
<snip strange recipes>

That's a very strange spam. I certainly didn't sent it (NNTP-Posting-Host: -- a IANA reserved IP), yet it appears using my email
address and replying to an article I also replied to. I think it's time
to investigate PGP.
Richard Hayden
2004-12-25 22:47:44 UTC
Matt wrote:
| On Sat, 25 Dec 2004 18:27:34 +0000, Matt wrote:
|>in the au jus.
| <snip strange recipes>
| That's a very strange spam. I certainly didn't sent it (NNTP-Posting-Host:
| -- a IANA reserved IP), yet it appears using my email
| address and replying to an article I also replied to. I think it's time
| to investigate PGP.

LOL, some spam robot somewhere has obviously taken a fancy to you, Matt.
PGP is indeed a good idea. :D

[rant]Did you know that there's nothing more rewarding than trying to
understand Minix source code whilst drunk? Someone in there has
*misused* the field in the A.OUT (COFF) header file which specifies the
size of the symbol table in the Minix kernel and server processes images
to represent... yes, you guessed it, the physical address to which the
program has been loaded. What kind of a deliberate attempt to confuse is
that! Furthermore, this 'design decision' is only commented on in the
boot code as far as I can see and not in the kernel, oh no, you're
supposed to guess this is what's going on... and this is in the *Minix*
(O/S), one designed to be easy to understand and for teaching
purposes... it's almost as bad as the Linux kernel, almost.[/rant]
Matt Johnson
2004-12-26 13:22:00 UTC
[rant] Did you know that there's nothing more rewarding than trying to
understand Minix source code whilst drunk? Someone in there has
*misused* the field in the A.OUT (COFF) header file which specifies the
size of the symbol table in the Minix kernel and server processes images
to represent... yes, you guessed it, the physical address to which the
program has been loaded. What kind of a deliberate attempt to confuse is
that! Furthermore, this 'design decision' is only commented on in the
boot code as far as I can see and not in the kernel, oh no, you're
supposed to guess this is what's going on... and this is in the *Minix*
(O/S), one designed to be easy to understand and for teaching
purposes... it's almost as bad as the Linux kernel, almost. [/rant]
Oh, you have the joys of Minix next term then. Marvellous... :-)

- --M

- --
Matt Johnson <***@doc.ic.ac.uk>
Junior Systems Programmer
Computing Support Group

"Computers which are misbehaving will behave perfectly in the presence
of a helpdesk agent."
- Graf, 'Murphys Computergesetze'
Richard Hayden
2004-12-26 15:53:42 UTC
Matt Johnson wrote:
| On Sat, 25 Dec 2004, Richard Hayden wrote:
|>> [rant] Did you know that there's nothing more rewarding than trying to
|>> understand Minix source code whilst drunk? Someone in there has
|>> *misused* the field in the A.OUT (COFF) header file which specifies the
|>> size of the symbol table in the Minix kernel and server processes images
|>> to represent... yes, you guessed it, the physical address to which the
|>> program has been loaded. What kind of a deliberate attempt to confuse is
|>> that! Furthermore, this 'design decision' is only commented on in the
|>> boot code as far as I can see and not in the kernel, oh no, you're
|>> supposed to guess this is what's going on... and this is in the *Minix*
|>> (O/S), one designed to be easy to understand and for teaching
|>> purposes... it's almost as bad as the Linux kernel, almost. [/rant]
| Oh, you have the joys of Minix next term then. Marvellous... :-)
| --M

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Systems programming is fun :p

The Minix code is not as elegant as Stephen van Bakel would have us
believe, though. A lot of the coding style seems to have been designed
to confuse.

I do like the option to have separate I & D though, must significantly
reduce buffer overflows. This must be one of the only O/Ss for IA-32
which actually makes any non-trivial use of protected mode segments.

| -- Matt Johnson <***@doc.ic.ac.uk>
| Junior Systems Programmer
| Computing Support Group
| "Computers which are misbehaving will behave perfectly in the presence
| of a helpdesk agent."
| - Graf, 'Murphys Computergesetze'
