Meep Meep
(too old to reply)
2005-06-16 18:36:30 UTC
What happened to this group? It is merely a shell - no, a husk, of its
former self? :(
Robert de Vincy
2005-06-16 18:50:39 UTC
Post by Tobes
What happened to this group? It is merely a shell - no, a husk, of its
former self? :(
Answer: YOU LEFT.

Also: your email address has a (deliberately?) amusing reading to it.
2005-06-16 19:35:00 UTC
I did leave. I had to, like, wash my hair. And get an education. And
make my millions. And I've sort of done one of the. So, errr, yeah.

RE email cleverness/debacle: Well, it was meant to be all cool and Star
Wars yay yay but then I saw that it spelt wank... :'(

But then I realised it was funny and that I am a bit of a wanker in all
senses and so ooooh multilayered email address.

Hi :) How's Durham you linguistic genius you!?
Robert de Vincy
2005-06-20 22:41:01 UTC
Post by Tobes
I did leave. I had to, like, wash my hair. And get an education. And
make my millions. And I've sort of done one of the. So, errr, yeah.
You got an education? Does that mean you've finally finished your
A levels? At long last? Well done!
Post by Tobes
RE email cleverness/debacle: Well, it was meant to be all cool and Star
Wars yay yay but then I saw that it spelt wank... :'(
But then I realised it was funny and that I am a bit of a wanker in all
senses and so ooooh multilayered email address.
Hi :) How's Durham you linguistic genius you!?

[Well, since you asked and there's not much more going on in here, I
think I'll spend a few moments of ego inflating.]

How is Durham? Amazing! End-of-year results were published for a lot
of departments today, including Linguistics, and it would appear that
I got a 1st for my 2nd year. As a result, everything looks so good
at the moment. Registration for next year's modules on Thursday and
Friday, and then celebration of a year well and truly done and dusted.
Thanks for asking!

I would ask *you* how things are, but I know you're kind of all
secretive and mysterious, so I won't.
2005-06-21 13:30:48 UTC
You egomaniac, you! ;) Bravo, bravissimo!

And fine, I won't inflate/deflate my own ego in public :'(

Where is JHP and his puddentats, or Porcella and his anal-retention
(ewww) or Ian with his cooking or Cod Boy with his strange liking for
the Tories :( Just 'cause I moved on doesn't mean everyone else has to!
2005-06-21 14:57:38 UTC
Post by Tobes
You egomaniac, you! ;) Bravo, bravissimo!
And fine, I won't inflate/deflate my own ego in public :'(
Where is JHP and his puddentats, or Porcella and his anal-retention
(ewww) or Ian with his cooking or Cod Boy with his strange liking for
the Tories :( Just 'cause I moved on doesn't mean everyone else has to!
I don't like the tories anymore.

I've completely gone off politics. Funny, cos my interest in politics
coincided exactly with my interest in the west wing.

or mike
2005-06-21 15:48:28 UTC
Did you want to become an FBI agent when you watched 24? :D

Have you finished your degree, then, biatch? If so, what are plans now,
other than swanning off to foreign parts?
2005-06-21 16:02:49 UTC
Post by Tobes
Did you want to become an FBI agent when you watched 24? :D

I want to be a journalist now. From watching too much Channel 4 news.
I've even started buying ties from the same place as Jon Snow :)

Also, I want to be a doctor, but only an expert on diagnostic medicine,
and not one which actually has to deal with patients. So then I can be
like Dr House. I also need a cane, which means I need to break my leg,
or otherwise damage it.
Post by Tobes
Have you finished your degree, then, biatch? If so, what are plans now,
other than swanning off to foreign parts?
Presentation tomorrow. 40 minutes. I don't think I've ever spoken for 40
minutes continuously in my life. Except on MSN, but even then I don't
talk non-stop without the other person giving me some kind of

I think I'll probably break down and curl up in a ball 10 minutes into it.


Well, umm, no more news from me. I suppose I ought to write some of this
presentation, so I have something to say, even if I don't actually get
around to saying it.

Ian/Cath Ford
2005-06-23 20:38:25 UTC
Post by Tobes
Where is JHP and his puddentats, or Porcella and his anal-retention
(ewww) or Ian with his cooking
Just finished my last college class tonight - after a 3 hour written
paper on Tuesday - 3 *hours*. Of *writing*. Bugger me - my hand hurt
after that - and I answered a question on human digestion system which
I officially know absolutely fuck all about.

So, theory element is not so good. Goot a distinction for the
practical though **:-)**

John HP is in Southhampton doing something obscene with strategy or
something equally John like. He visited us recently - but no one comes
here to see us anymore <sniff>.

Anyone watch Dr Who btw?

Ian, Cath, Eoin and Calum Ford
Beccles, Suffolk, UK

I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday

There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place later
2005-06-23 21:44:24 UTC
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
Post by Tobes
Where is JHP and his puddentats, or Porcella and his anal-retention
(ewww) or Ian with his cooking
Just finished my last college class tonight - after a 3 hour written
paper on Tuesday - 3 *hours*. Of *writing*. Bugger me - my hand hurt
after that - and I answered a question on human digestion system which
I officially know absolutely fuck all about.

What are you studying?
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
So, theory element is not so good. Goot a distinction for the
practical though **:-)**
John HP is in Southhampton doing something obscene with strategy or
something equally John like. He visited us recently - but no one comes
here to see us anymore <sniff>.
Anyone watch Dr Who btw?
Yes. Haven't seen the original, but thought it was REALLY good (for a
BBC drama). And as far as I can tell (from what I've heard about the
originals) it fits in really well.

Ian/Cath Ford
2005-06-24 18:56:53 UTC
Post by mike
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
Just finished my last college class tonight - after a 3 hour written
paper on Tuesday - 3 *hours*. Of *writing*. Bugger me - my hand hurt
after that - and I answered a question on human digestion system which
I officially know absolutely fuck all about.
What are you studying?
I was confused too :-)

It was a City and Guilds Diploma in Professional Cookery - a Level 3
course (that'll be A Level standard so I'm probably the nearest thing
to an A level student on here just now **:-)** )

Technically digestion system is on the syllabus, but we really only go
for the food. We digest it without thinking about it most of the
Post by mike
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
Anyone watch Dr Who btw?
Yes. Haven't seen the original, but thought it was REALLY good (for a
BBC drama). And as far as I can tell (from what I've heard about the
originals) it fits in really well.
Apart from the many times higher production values - I really wanted
them to use a quarry in Dorset for at least one of the episodes.

Ian, Cath, Eoin and Calum Ford
Beccles, Suffolk, UK

I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday

There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place later
Ginnie Redston
2005-07-15 15:57:15 UTC
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
Post by Tobes
Where is JHP and his puddentats, or Porcella and his anal-retention
(ewww) or Ian with his cooking
Just finished my last college class tonight - after a 3 hour written
paper on Tuesday - 3 *hours*. Of *writing*. Bugger me - my hand hurt
after that - and I answered a question on human digestion system which
I officially know absolutely fuck all about.
So, theory element is not so good. Goot a distinction for the
practical though **:-)**
John HP is in Southhampton doing something obscene with strategy or
something equally John like. He visited us recently - but no one comes
here to see us anymore <sniff>.
Anyone watch Dr Who btw?
Totally devoted viewer here. STill miffed about the rapid change of Doctor

Ian/Cath Ford
2005-07-15 18:51:01 UTC
On Fri, 15 Jul 2005 15:57:15 +0000 (UTC), "Ginnie Redston"
Post by Ginnie Redston
Totally devoted viewer here. STill miffed about the rapid change of Doctor
Hmmm, I didn't *mind* that. At least it was done logically and seemed
to work as a tranformation (or whatever the technical term is). The
odd thing was that although I'd heard vague rumours that the new chap
might be taking over I didn't actually know that was going to happen -
I know now that it had been all over the net and press and so on, but
I didn't actually know. And from that perspective it worked really,
really well I think.

Loved the production values and the storys seemed pretty strong - the
gas mask kid one particularly (classic horror movie stuff). Would have
liked to see a Dorset quarry though :-)

Eoin watched about half of them and seemed to be fine - no hiding
behind the sofa. I'm just waiting the full series dvd package now...

Ian, Cath, Eoin and Calum Ford
Beccles, Suffolk, UK

I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday

There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place later