2005-01-10 00:11:13 UTC
I am currently in the second year of my degree - however I did an AS
Critical Thinking in 2000 which I got an E in (which always bugged me as I
though it was quite easy!)
I was wondering would it be possible for me to go back in June and resit
that one exam (iirc its just one long 3 hour exam) at my old college (or
pref another one) and get the result back in Aug as normal? I have nothing
to lose really as I dont even list it in my qualifications........but it may
come in handy as If i can raise it by 1 or 2 grades it will add some UCAS
points on (which is why i am considering it)
Cant really remember much about it now - has the curriculum changed much
since then? I am pretty sure my exams at Uni finish by may so I will have
about a month of hardcore time to go over stuff...
An 'E' is worth just 1 UCAS point, I actually only wnat to raise it by 1 to
a 'D' but more probably I wanna aim for a C at least. What are the chances
for someone who has been out of the game for so long (i did understand
everything at the time pretty well, not sure what happened in the exam for
me to score loads, i wrote enough - i probably answered the wrong question
or something!!)
I am currently in the second year of my degree - however I did an AS
Critical Thinking in 2000 which I got an E in (which always bugged me as I
though it was quite easy!)
I was wondering would it be possible for me to go back in June and resit
that one exam (iirc its just one long 3 hour exam) at my old college (or
pref another one) and get the result back in Aug as normal? I have nothing
to lose really as I dont even list it in my qualifications........but it may
come in handy as If i can raise it by 1 or 2 grades it will add some UCAS
points on (which is why i am considering it)
Cant really remember much about it now - has the curriculum changed much
since then? I am pretty sure my exams at Uni finish by may so I will have
about a month of hardcore time to go over stuff...
An 'E' is worth just 1 UCAS point, I actually only wnat to raise it by 1 to
a 'D' but more probably I wanna aim for a C at least. What are the chances
for someone who has been out of the game for so long (i did understand
everything at the time pretty well, not sure what happened in the exam for
me to score loads, i wrote enough - i probably answered the wrong question
or something!!)