Post by Ian/Cath FordPost by Mohd Anisul Karim1. Go ahead and do A2 Levels
2. Redo AS Levels
3. Just forget the whole thing and get a decent job!
OK, first thing you need to do is to look at the module breakdown and
what the totals come to. For example, if the E is 120/300 then it's a
bad E; if it's 159/300 then it's one mark from a D. (if I got the
grade boundaries wrong then tell me!).
Well, I just got the so-called "Statement of Results" which doesn't
specify the exact marks I have received for a particular subject...
just the grade. So I don't know how to get the exact marks.
Post by Ian/Cath FordThen look at the module breakdown. Is there on ereally bad one or are
they all about the same? Are any due to coursework - which is more
controlable? How did you feel when you did the exams? How do these
come up against your predicted grades? Ho do they come up against
your GCSEs? How much work did you *really* do - you need to be really
honest with that one! Have you talkd to your subjectteachers yet?
Can they offer any persepctive?
I felt kind of disheartened at this whole thing since I did, honestly,
put a lot of effort. My O Levels were great though, I took 7 subjects
and scored A's in almost all of them with only one B and C. Didn't
realise when the tables turned on me during AS. I was expecting a B,
if not A, in Biology since I am rather good at that but I got a D,
instead. As for how much work I really did, well.. people told me that
they were easy. I even had a look at some AS past papers and the
questions appeared very simple to me.. and I know that the paper I
received was quite easy too... I came out of the exam hall, all cheery
and stuff. I guess, the grades were simply too unexpected, considering
the confidence I had on my answers.
I will be talking to my subject teachers sometime tomorrow, hopefully
and let you know what they have to say.
Post by Ian/Cath FordYou can, of course, decline the AS award. That means you keep the
module scores but you say you don't want to cash them in yet. That's
probably a good idea - you can cash them in at some other point even
if you decide not to retake them. Then you can look at your retake
You can do that? Ok, now this is a good option. I will talk to my
teachers about this. Thanks!
Post by Ian/Cath FordYou also need to know exactly what grades the kind of universities in
the kindof areas you're interested in want to see. Then you need to
know what universities might accpet your grades for those courses and
think really hard about whether you want to go there or not.
Which is a lot of stuff. If you can give ue some details I'm sure
you'll get a whole bunch of advice.
People, I have spoken to, here in UAE, have told me that its the A2
grades that matter the most and are taken in consideration, more
often, than the AS ones. In others words, if I were to get AAA in A2
but did really bad in AS (like I did now with a DCE), then
universities might consider me. I really don't know if this
information is accurate since now I hear, from you, to retake AS..
which must mean that the latter is of certain importance too.
I have also been told that you can retake the AS exams without missing
your A2 preparations; which means that you can do both of them
simultaneously without having to squander another whole year doing
them separately. My school has recently introduced this option and
calls it the 'fast-track' A Levels. Is it wise for me to subscribe to
this option or should I take another year to do AS alone?
I very much appreciate the time you took to answer my queries, Ian and
ofcourse the rest of the guys. Let me know if you need any additional
information and I will gladly provide them. Thanks!
Mohd Anisul Karim