As/A2 Chemistry Private Candidate question!
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pete a
2005-02-21 03:59:34 UTC
Im looking to take AS/A2 chem next year as a private candidate, i'm
currently at university, does anyone know of a board and/or
specification which means i would not need to take a practical
assessment, while i am willing to take a written exam about practical
methods, and to write coursework from a set of 'imagined' data, i
would greatly prefer to escape the requirement for actual lab

Is this feasible for any of the current boards as the specifications
confuse me totally.

Thanks in advance

2005-02-25 11:31:45 UTC
why don't you call the boards? they all have a private candidate
department who'd be able to tell you everything.

That said I did an a-level as a private candidate and from my
experience they most definitely will *not* let you do an alternative to
the actual coursework. Most boards will happily let you take the
written papers as a private candidate (registered through an actual
center for the exam though - like the London Open Centre) but will
require an actual teacher at a registered center to fully oversee and
mark the *coursework*, esentially they don't allow the coursework
modules to be taken as a private candidate - so there's no way round

ps. been a long time since we actually had someone asking a real good
old basic a-level question like this :)

pps. thank goodness for yesterday's education bill! this ng was about
to be renamed alt.uk.internationalbaccuralate (sp?)

Post by pete a
Im looking to take AS/A2 chem next year as a private candidate, i'm
currently at university, does anyone know of a board and/or
specification which means i would not need to take a practical
assessment, while i am willing to take a written exam about practical
methods, and to write coursework from a set of 'imagined' data, i
would greatly prefer to escape the requirement for actual lab
Is this feasible for any of the current boards as the specifications
confuse me totally.
Thanks in advance
Alun Harford
2005-02-25 22:49:53 UTC
Post by ashirus
pps. thank goodness for yesterday's education bill! this ng was about
to be renamed alt.uk.internationalbaccuralate (sp?)
The whole thing seemed like electioneering when they produced the idea, so
this timing would seem to confirm that.

Alun Harford

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