It's all gone quiet over there...
(too old to reply)
2005-05-08 13:22:02 UTC
Compared with 2 years ago the group seems very quiet. What's happened?

Matthew Huntbach
2005-05-08 19:25:57 UTC
Post by JHP
Compared with 2 years ago the group seems very quiet. What's

I suspect the problem is there are now a large number of on-line
discussion fora, and usenet has become something of a minority
interest. This is a particular problem for this newsgroup which if it
is to serve its purpose muist rely on a regular supply of new

Matthew Huntbach
2005-05-12 13:10:03 UTC
Indeed, see:


It's divided into a whole huge number of sub sections, and almost all
of them say the last post was less than 2 minutes ago. This means it
must be getting something like 10 posts a minute at this particular
moment in time.
2005-05-12 13:21:49 UTC
Actually, 3 days ago someone posted on thestudentroom that:

"This site overtook a newsgroup and didn't make itself at all popular
in the process. They basically put a web interface onto alt.uk.a-levels
and pretended they owned it, IIRC I think it took several complaints to
their host before they stopped."

I don't think it happened quite like that, but I think it's safe to say
that someone who 5 years ago would have posted to aua, now posts to
thestudentroom. Browsing, they are repeating exactly all the same
topics and opinions and such like that aua always had - except with
about twice the number of people we ever had.

It's quite impressive, and people are even PAYING £3.50 a month for
special membership - there are currently something like 80 people
subscribed to this paid service at the moment, let alone all the normal
2005-05-14 00:15:35 UTC
Google groups has made it more accessible IMO.

Some advice pls: One of my friends has A-levels in Media Studies, IT,
and General studies. They're pretty hot at Basic too. They can make
really awesome newsletters in MS Publisher. They want to do Computing
at QMW. How many A-level points do they need? Do you recommend Maths?


2005-05-08 23:41:10 UTC
Post by JHP
Compared with 2 years ago the group seems very quiet. What's
Post by JHP
the german news server which was ever-so-popular here has started

which i guess is why a lot of people vanished.

everyone else is boring and seems to think that the so-called 'real
world' is somehow better than life on line.

2005-05-14 11:02:49 UTC
Post by JHP
Post by JHP
Compared with 2 years ago the group seems very quiet. What's
Post by JHP
the german news server which was ever-so-popular here has started
which i guess is why a lot of people vanished.
everyone else is boring and seems to think that the so-called 'real
world' is somehow better than life on line.
Oh, that's what happened, is it?

I've been preoccupied with my dissertation and coursework, all handed
in now. Exams on 25th and 27th May and then that's that.
2005-05-16 20:37:21 UTC
Post by Becky
Post by JHP
Post by JHP
Compared with 2 years ago the group seems very quiet. What's
Post by JHP
the german news server which was ever-so-popular here has started
which i guess is why a lot of people vanished.
everyone else is boring and seems to think that the so-called 'real
world' is somehow better than life on line.
Oh, that's what happened, is it?
I've been preoccupied with my dissertation and coursework, all handed
in now. Exams on 25th and 27th May and then that's that.
Jolly good, best of luck.

I have exams on the 23rd and 26th, then full steam ahead on my final
year project, then FREEDOM and a month of round the world galavanting
before crash landing back in London and selling my soul, only to fund
some already rich landlord ...

Hmmm ...

One asks oneself what is the point ...


(btw, TA = BT, and if B = TAT^-1 then you got yourself an isomorphism,
yeah, whoo, wtf?)
Ian/Cath Ford
2005-05-11 18:39:13 UTC
On Sun, 8 May 2005 14:22:02 +0100, "JHP"
Post by JHP
Compared with 2 years ago the group seems very quiet. What's happened?
I think Matthew's probably right. Web based stuff seems to be the
thing nowadays. I prefer usenet, of course, because of it's ability to
follow threads and read/write off line, but young people today are
dreadfully impatient when it comes to such things <g>

Heck, a general election with nothing mentioned on aua???! Unheard of.

Maybe the oldies need to reclaim it and talk about stuff? :-)

Ian, Cath, Eoin and Calum Ford
Beccles, Suffolk, UK

I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday

There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place later
2005-05-11 23:21:54 UTC
What is this 'stuff' of which you speak?
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
On Sun, 8 May 2005 14:22:02 +0100, "JHP"
Post by JHP
Compared with 2 years ago the group seems very quiet. What's happened?
I think Matthew's probably right. Web based stuff seems to be the
thing nowadays. I prefer usenet, of course, because of it's ability to
follow threads and read/write off line, but young people today are
dreadfully impatient when it comes to such things <g>
Heck, a general election with nothing mentioned on aua???! Unheard of.
Maybe the oldies need to reclaim it and talk about stuff? :-)
Ian, Cath, Eoin and Calum Ford
Beccles, Suffolk, UK
I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday
There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place later
Mark Thakkar
2005-06-13 10:58:49 UTC
Hello JHP,
Post by JHP
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
Post by JHP
Compared with 2 years ago the group seems very quiet.
Maybe the oldies need to reclaim it and talk about stuff? :-)
What is this 'stuff' of which you speak?
We could always let this particular thread limp on, so there's at least
some semblance of continuity...

Exams this week - eek!
Robert de Vincy
2005-06-13 11:18:23 UTC
Post by Mark Thakkar
Hello JHP,
Post by JHP
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
Post by JHP
Compared with 2 years ago the group seems very quiet.
Maybe the oldies need to reclaim it and talk about stuff? :-)
What is this 'stuff' of which you speak?
We could always let this particular thread limp on, so there's at least
some semblance of continuity...
I agree.

But in the meantime, you could also explain your "posting from Imperial"
appearance, Mr Thakkar.
Mark Thakkar
2005-06-15 08:49:46 UTC
Post by Robert de Vincy
But in the meantime, you could also explain your "posting from
Imperial" appearance, Mr Thakkar.
It's quite simple, really - I'm at Imperial this year, for an MSc in the
history of science. I'll be going back to Oxford next year, though, to
start a DPhil in (mediaeval) philosophy.

There's something I need explaining, too. I'm using Microplanet Gravity
(as always), and something very strange happens when I read your posts:
a little dragon-boat appears in the top-right-hand corner of the article
pane, with a speech-bubble saying "I CUSS YOU BAD, MAN!". This doesn't
happen on anyone else's posts, and I find it quite disturbing.

My best guess is that the open-source folk who now maintain the software
have something against talk21.com, against Xnews, or even against you...

Mark Thakkar
2005-06-15 09:18:35 UTC
Post by Mark Thakkar
There's something I need explaining, too. I'm using Microplanet
Gravity (as always), and something very strange happens when I read
your posts: a little dragon-boat appears in the top-right-hand corner
of the article pane, with a speech-bubble saying "I CUSS YOU BAD,
MAN!". This doesn't happen on anyone else's posts, and I find it
quite disturbing.
My best guess is that the open-source folk who now maintain the
software have something against talk21.com, against Xnews, or even
against you...
And have since realized what's going on. I'd never heard of X-Faces!


Robert de Vincy
2005-06-16 10:27:45 UTC
Post by Mark Thakkar
Post by Mark Thakkar
There's something I need explaining, too. I'm using Microplanet
Gravity (as always), and something very strange happens when I read
your posts: a little dragon-boat appears in the top-right-hand corner
of the article pane, with a speech-bubble saying "I CUSS YOU BAD,
MAN!". This doesn't happen on anyone else's posts, and I find it
quite disturbing.
My best guess is that the open-source folk who now maintain the
software have something against talk21.com, against Xnews, or even
against you...
And have since realized what's going on. I'd never heard of X-Faces!
Indeed, it's an X-Face.

And a clue to one aspect of my Usenet "life".
Robert de Vincy
2005-06-16 10:30:47 UTC
Post by Mark Thakkar
Post by Robert de Vincy
But in the meantime, you could also explain your "posting from
Imperial" appearance, Mr Thakkar.
It's quite simple, really - I'm at Imperial this year, for an MSc in the
history of science. I'll be going back to Oxford next year, though, to
start a DPhil in (mediaeval) philosophy.
Ah! that explains that, then!

But what happened to the MA at the Warburg?
Mark Thakkar
2005-06-16 11:31:11 UTC
Post by Robert de Vincy
But what happened to the MA at the Warburg?
That's quite simple too - been there, done that, got the pencil case.
Great fun, lots of Latin, and my dissertation gave me the idea for my
DPhil topic (http://www.moomins.demon.co.uk/proposal.pdf). So a year
well spent, all told. Had I known earlier that I'd end up meandering
towards mediaeval philosophy, I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now.

And then one day you find
Ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run
You missed the starting gun

- Pink Floyd, "Time" (1973). I'll be in the Alps when they reform...
2005-05-14 00:08:00 UTC
Post by JHP
Compared with 2 years ago the group seems very quiet. What's
Post by JHP

I've stopped reading/posting due to work. Along with just about
everything else in my life. I wish I could backtrack and become a
researcher/lecturer. The social interaction and freedom is vastly
superior in that field. I envy you guys now, I really do. Consultancy
is so much ass licking and getting whipped around by "clients" it's not
even funny. I've quit my job (after 1 year) for that reason.

Anyway, moving on now.

How's things been here?

2005-06-13 19:19:05 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
How's things been here?

Are you going back to study?


(the Northern Irish guy who's studying law)