(too old to reply)
michael goodall
2007-01-21 15:02:52 UTC
does anyone have any suggestions for a problem that i could base my
database on. many thanks michael
Ian Ford
2007-01-21 15:22:57 UTC
Post by michael goodall
does anyone have any suggestions for a problem that i could base my
database on. many thanks michael
I don't know the spec - is this the vocational IT one or another one?

How complex does the database need to be? Are we talking two table or
more than that? I have some ideas - the kids I teach are about to do a
similar thing - but some context would be useful.

michael goodall
2007-01-21 15:53:24 UTC
i think it would need to be quite complex as our AS only needed to be 4
tables, the spec is
http://www.aqa.org.uk/qual/pdf/AQA-5511-6511-W-SP-06.PDF there is a
description on page 46. many thanks
Ian Ford
2007-01-21 22:50:46 UTC
Post by michael goodall
i think it would need to be quite complex as our AS only needed to be 4
tables, the spec is
http://www.aqa.org.uk/qual/pdf/AQA-5511-6511-W-SP-06.PDF there is a
description on page 46. many thanks
You couldn't pull off the relevant bit and edit and post it could you?
I don't really fancy going through a syllabus document at the mo :-)
You could call me a lazy git; you might even be right...

