Personal Statements
(too old to reply)
2004-11-24 04:20:57 UTC

Hope all is well! I am just in the process of completing my personal
statement. What is the rule of thumb for how long it should be? Mine is 373
words, which is 2/3rd of a single A4 side. Is that too long? Thanks.
Dr A. N. Walker
2004-11-24 13:51:01 UTC
[...] I am just in the process of completing my personal
statement. What is the rule of thumb for how long it should be? Mine is 373
words, which is 2/3rd of a single A4 side. Is that too long?
Yes. Cut it down and space it out. Less is more. Your
PS is your personal advertisement to the ATs who read it -- you
don't want a dreary litany of all the things that make you the
same as every other 17-18yo, you want something that makes you
stand out. It has to grab the attention of the AT and make you
seem interesting within the first paragraph.

Make sure it's correctly spelled and punctuated. Get
someone competent to read it critically. Dump anyone who says
"Yeah, that's fine" at first reading, try again until you find
someone who says "No, that's rubbish because ...".

Don't agonise about your PS. Chances are it will not
have even the slightest effect on your application. But you
might as well get it right, just in case.
Andy Walker, School of MathSci., Univ. of Nott'm, UK.
2004-11-24 15:46:51 UTC
Post by Dr A. N. Walker
[...] I am just in the process of completing my personal
statement. What is the rule of thumb for how long it should be? Mine is 373
words, which is 2/3rd of a single A4 side. Is that too long?
Yes. Cut it down and space it out. Less is more. Your
PS is your personal advertisement to the ATs who read it -- you
don't want a dreary litany of all the things that make you the
same as every other 17-18yo, you want something that makes you
stand out. It has to grab the attention of the AT and make you
seem interesting within the first paragraph.
Make sure it's correctly spelled and punctuated. Get
someone competent to read it critically. Dump anyone who says
"Yeah, that's fine" at first reading, try again until you find
someone who says "No, that's rubbish because ...".
Don't agonise about your PS. Chances are it will not
have even the slightest effect on your application. But you
might as well get it right, just in case.
Have you -or any board AT for that matter - ever received an
ironic/sarcastic/parodied personal statement? I've seen a few genine
ones, but they've all been to the top few unis, wonder if there's a
correlation there...
Dr A. N. Walker
2004-11-25 15:41:17 UTC
Post by Toby
Have you -or any board AT for that matter
"Board"? As in "A-level bored"? Or as in "board stiff"?
Post by Toby
- ever received an
ironic/sarcastic/parodied personal statement?
Not that I've recognised. But I've tended to assume that
the *really* pretentious ones are genuine applications from people
who can't write rather than very clever ones from people who can.
Occasional funny ones [ha-ha rather than peculiar -- get some of
those as well, of course], mostly in a self-deprecating way. One
*screamingly* funny one that I wish I'd photocopied, about the
mishaps of a gap year. It takes real comic genius to make an AT
splutter helplessly into the cornflakes within a paragraph, then
do it twice again within half the PS.
Post by Toby
I've seen a few genine
ones, but they've all been to the top few unis, wonder if there's a
correlation there...
Prolly. Compare references -- the really informative ones
tend to be from top schools, while the bog standard comps write them
to an edu-speak template ["John has the ability to learn new concepts.
He communicates with his peers. He used to have an individual approach
to mathematics but now understands the need to conform."]. Ian/Cath
knows all about that ....
Andy Walker, School of MathSci., Univ. of Nott'm, UK.
Ian/Cath Ford
2004-11-26 07:25:36 UTC
Post by Dr A. N. Walker
Prolly. Compare references -- the really informative ones
tend to be from top schools, while the bog standard comps write them
to an edu-speak template ["John has the ability to learn new concepts.
He communicates with his peers. He used to have an individual approach
to mathematics but now understands the need to conform."]. Ian/Cath
knows all about that ....
God, I *so* wish I could find a way for our twat of a careers bird to
read this :-)

Ian, Cath, Eoin and Calum Ford
Beccles, Suffolk, UK

I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday

There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place later
Dr A. N. Walker
2004-11-26 13:27:04 UTC
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
God, I *so* wish I could find a way for our twat of a careers bird to
read this :-)
If you like, we could all write to your HM saying "Ian wants
you to show this to your twat of a careers bird". Or you could just
print it off and shove it on a notice board, possible with a sticker
across saying "FAO ToaCB".
Andy Walker, School of MathSci., Univ. of Nott'm, UK.
David Haardt
2004-11-26 11:15:48 UTC
Post by Dr A. N. Walker
Prolly. Compare references -- the really informative ones
tend to be from top schools, while the bog standard comps write them
to an edu-speak template ["John has the ability to learn new concepts.
He communicates with his peers. He used to have an individual approach
to mathematics but now understands the need to conform."]. Ian/Cath
knows all about that ....
In other words, teachers at "top schools" have learned to play the
make-the-AT-happy game.

David Haardt
Dr A. N. Walker
2004-11-26 13:57:58 UTC
Post by David Haardt
Post by Dr A. N. Walker
Prolly. Compare references -- the really informative ones
tend to be from top schools, [...]
In other words, teachers at "top schools" have learned to play the
make-the-AT-happy game.
I don't think that's quite a fair summary. There is, of
course, more than a smidgeon of truth in it -- top schools are
top by virtue of doing things better, inc in the PR dept. But
my word was "informative". A large majority of the UCAS forms
that I see have essentially worthless PSs and references. The
PS might just as well have said "I am a normal 17yo who wants to
go to univ", and the ref might just as well have said "John is
expected to do well at A-level" [full stop]. It would make *me*
happy to see 100 consecutive forms that say *exactly* that [apart
from "John"] rather than 100 that spend two pages of small typing
to say the equivalent.

In the sea of edu-speak, the occasional oases of normal
prose that actually tell me something about John are indeed a
pleasure. Esp when they are *brutally* frank -- "John is an idle
layabout, but his parents are rich. If he gets better than DDE
it will be a miracle, but he might just about survive even at your
place if he pulls his socks up. He is a great lad to talk to, as
long as you keep him off football." I bet Ian's "careers bird"
never writes references like that. I suspect that Eton no longer
writes references like that either, which is a pity.

The problem is, of course, that all the advice from UCAS
and the univ entrance guides tends towards bland conformity. If
I can do just a little to get some individuality and anarchy back
into the system, I shall be pleased.
Andy Walker, School of MathSci., Univ. of Nott'm, UK.
2004-11-24 17:05:28 UTC
goog god no mine was nearly 2 a4 pages long!
Robert de Vincy
2004-11-24 19:26:17 UTC
Post by Catherinedshire
goog god no mine was nearly 2 a4 pages long!
How old are you?

If you are the typical Uni candidate then you were probably about 18
or 19, yes?


Unless you lied.

Or never had a childhood.
Ian/Cath Ford
2004-11-24 19:33:43 UTC
Post by Robert de Vincy
Post by Catherinedshire
goog god no mine was nearly 2 a4 pages long!
No, I've seen it loads of times at school. Usually about 3 lines that
were worth keeping and the rest is dreadful, but they do get 2 sides.

Big girly handwriting helps (or perhaps the ever so cool and grown up
looking point 18 font size stuff....)

Ian, Cath, Eoin and Calum Ford
Beccles, Suffolk, UK

I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday

There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place later
Ian/Cath Ford
2004-11-24 19:30:00 UTC
On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 04:20:57 +0000 (UTC), "Samsonknight"
Post by Samsonknight
Hope all is well! I am just in the process of completing my personal
statement. What is the rule of thumb for how long it should be? Mine is 373
words, which is 2/3rd of a single A4 side. Is that too long? Thanks.
Oh go on then, post it here. Try a before and after reading Andy's
article version to see what changes you made.

Ian, Cath, Eoin and Calum Ford
Beccles, Suffolk, UK

I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday

There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place later
2004-11-25 01:48:52 UTC
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 04:20:57 +0000 (UTC), "Samsonknight"
Post by Samsonknight
Hope all is well! I am just in the process of completing my personal
statement. What is the rule of thumb for how long it should be? Mine is 373
words, which is 2/3rd of a single A4 side. Is that too long? Thanks.
Oh go on then, post it here. Try a before and after reading Andy's
article version to see what changes you made.
I would, but I fear that there are too many ATs lurking on this newsgroup
Ian/Cath Ford
2004-11-26 07:25:37 UTC
On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 01:48:52 +0000 (UTC), "Samsonknight"
<***@btinternet.com> wrote:

But we *demand* it. Anyway, why woild an AT mind you getting some
feedback on your form? Most of the school ones are written by bloody
teachers anyway.

Ian, Cath, Eoin and Calum Ford
Beccles, Suffolk, UK

I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday

There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place later
2004-11-26 15:51:39 UTC
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 01:48:52 +0000 (UTC), "Samsonknight"
But we *demand* it. Anyway, why woild an AT mind you getting some
feedback on your form? Most of the school ones are written by bloody
teachers anyway.
Ian, Cath, Eoin and Calum Ford
Beccles, Suffolk, UK
I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday
There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place later
Mind me sending it to you through Email?
2004-11-26 17:39:31 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 01:48:52 +0000 (UTC), "Samsonknight"
But we *demand* it. Anyway, why woild an AT mind you getting some
feedback on your form? Most of the school ones are written by bloody
teachers anyway.
I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday
There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place
Mind me sending it to you through Email?
What are you trying to hide?
2004-11-26 18:14:41 UTC
Post by Matt
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 01:48:52 +0000 (UTC), "Samsonknight"
But we *demand* it. Anyway, why woild an AT mind you getting some
feedback on your form? Most of the school ones are written by bloody
teachers anyway.
I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday
There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place
Mind me sending it to you through Email?
What are you trying to hide?
Nothing, there is just something very scary about your potential AT's
reading the first draft of your PS, which is just filled with loads of
errors in terms of its actual content (as well as grammer), as Andy pointed
kindly pointed out for me.

Thanks again Andy!
2004-11-26 18:24:25 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Matt
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Ian/Cath Ford
On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 01:48:52 +0000 (UTC), "Samsonknight"
But we *demand* it. Anyway, why woild an AT mind you getting some
feedback on your form? Most of the school ones are written by bloody
teachers anyway.
I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday
There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place
Mind me sending it to you through Email?
What are you trying to hide?
Nothing, there is just something very scary about your potential AT's
reading the first draft of your PS, which is just filled with loads of
errors in terms of its actual content (as well as grammer), as Andy
pointed kindly pointed out for me.
Thanks again Andy!
Oh and I forgot to mention. What makes it even more scarier, is the fact
that I REALLY,REALLY,REALLY do want to study Computer Science at these
University Departments :)
Robert de Vincy
2004-11-26 19:47:09 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
Oh and I forgot to mention. What makes it even more scarier, is the
fact that I REALLY,REALLY,REALLY do want to study Computer Science at
these University Departments :)
A Computer Science student as a regular in AUA?

Who would've thought it!!!
2004-11-26 20:09:42 UTC
Post by Robert de Vincy
Post by Samsonknight
Oh and I forgot to mention. What makes it even more scarier, is the
fact that I REALLY,REALLY,REALLY do want to study Computer Science at
these University Departments :)
A Computer Science student as a regular in AUA?
Who would've thought it!!!
I am not a regular, only post when I need to hehehe!
Robert de Vincy
2004-11-26 21:37:00 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Robert de Vincy
Post by Samsonknight
Oh and I forgot to mention. What makes it even more scarier, is the
fact that I REALLY,REALLY,REALLY do want to study Computer Science at
these University Departments :)
A Computer Science student as a regular in AUA?
Who would've thought it!!!
I am not a regular, only post when I need to hehehe!
With the current level of activity in this group...

Post once, and you're a regular.
Post twice, and it's "Sheeesh! Get a life away from Usenet, puh-leez!"
2004-11-27 01:14:20 UTC
Post by Robert de Vincy
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Robert de Vincy
Post by Samsonknight
Oh and I forgot to mention. What makes it even more scarier, is the
fact that I REALLY,REALLY,REALLY do want to study Computer Science at
these University Departments :)
A Computer Science student as a regular in AUA?
Who would've thought it!!!
I am not a regular, only post when I need to hehehe!
With the current level of activity in this group...
Post once, and you're a regular.
Post twice, and it's "Sheeesh! Get a life away from Usenet, puh-leez!"
lol. How's life at Durham? A friend of mine got accepted by Durham and is
currently going there.

He has told me that the University is situated in the middle of nowhere and
is near a farm - which smells like s***. Is this true??
Robert de Vincy
2004-11-27 01:41:14 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
lol. How's life at Durham? A friend of mine got accepted by Durham and
is currently going there.
It's pure excellence. The new automated time-tabling system they've
put in this year means that lectures may be anywhere within the whole
University, so I'm getting to see places I hadn't seen last year.
This term, I've added the Economics department and Engineering to my
list of "Departments I Now Know Where They Are" list, even though I'm
not doing anything even remotely like Economics or Engineering.
Post by Samsonknight
He has told me that the University is situated in the middle of
nowhere and is near a farm - which smells like s***. Is this true??
That's utter bollocks, that is.

The University is situated all over Durham. Almost every main street
you walk along will have some association with the University, whether it
be actual teaching buildings, admin buildings, departmental offices,
colleges, or whatever.

Perhaps he's referring to some of the out-on-the-boundaries-of-the-city
colleges? They're about a mile or so away from the main city-centre and
I guess if all he's ever been to is whichever college he's been accepted
by (I know Collingwood is a fair distance out; I've never been there --
too far to walk for me! -- but I hear it's extremely luxurious compared to
some others) and maybe a bit of the Science Site (which is not located
in the city centre) then he might get the impression that "the university"
is stuck in the middle of nowhere. But go visit one of the Bailey colleges
(St Cuthbert's, St John's, Castle, etc) that are right in the centre, next
to the Cathedral and the Castle, and also visit other (non-Science, usually)
dept's such as Classics or Linguistics and you'll be right in the centre
of quite a very busy little city.
2004-11-27 01:40:19 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Robert de Vincy
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Robert de Vincy
Post by Samsonknight
Oh and I forgot to mention. What makes it even more scarier, is the
fact that I REALLY,REALLY,REALLY do want to study Computer Science at
these University Departments :)
A Computer Science student as a regular in AUA?
*waves* I do Maths and Computer Science!
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Robert de Vincy
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Robert de Vincy
Who would've thought it!!!
I am not a regular, only post when I need to hehehe!
I think I'm a regular. I read most of it anyway, except the arguments.
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Robert de Vincy
With the current level of activity in this group...
Activity? My newsfeed must be bad... oh, maybe not.
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Robert de Vincy
Post once, and you're a regular.
Post twice, and it's "Sheeesh! Get a life away from Usenet, puh-leez!"
lol. How's life at Durham? A friend of mine got accepted by Durham and is
currently going there.
He has told me that the University is situated in the middle of nowhere and
is near a farm - which smells like s***. Is this true??
Two friends of mine are there. Three in fact. One loves it, one isn't so
enthusiastic. I think this is more to do with expectations and being away
from home for the first time than the university though.

Imperial's excellent, as I've probably already said :)
Ian/Cath Ford
2004-11-26 22:00:42 UTC
On Fri, 26 Nov 2004 15:51:39 +0000 (UTC), "Samsonknight"
Post by Samsonknight
Mind me sending it to you through Email?
No, I'll send you my address at some point over the weekend. Not
tonight - a hospital's involved just now and it's complex.

Ian, Cath, Eoin and Calum Ford
Beccles, Suffolk, UK

I loved the word you wrote to me/But that was bloody yesterday

There's no e-mail address. We can talk here and go back to your place later