sup homiez
(too old to reply)
Gaurav Sharma
2005-02-03 22:09:55 UTC
hey howz da hood at?

i've been a bit hardwhipped at work (BM IT consultancy in europe) last
6 months and been missing out on lots of unecessary funstuff here and
other places. how do you admission tutors do it?

random thought dump:

i wish i did maths
i wish i chose teaching
i wish i got more than a 2.2
i'm glad i did a science subject and got hit hard a lot

life speeds up with time, kinda sucks, but adjusting is fun

anyway, i didn't realise how much google groups has improved.
bookmarked this bit and will try and jump back into the barrel.
oxbridge, omar, adam-jesse, goatVsrachel, nonsensical ethical stuff,
computery-talk with chris/alex/ray/hansih. Good times. Oh, and old
dudes, (yes YOU) admission tutors(MMH, JHP, Ginno,Eccles-dudes, all
others), you'll always RULE for being on here, helping others for the
sake of it. you wouldn't believe how glad I am to see you out here
doing your thing to this very day, typing tons and tons of ascii text
trying to help other dudes (including once-upon-a-time-me). YOU ROCK.

cowboy carl
2005-02-04 01:02:51 UTC
Post by Gaurav Sharma
hey howz da hood at?
i've been a bit hardwhipped at work (BM IT consultancy in europe) last
6 months and been missing out on lots of unecessary funstuff here and
other places. how do you admission tutors do it?
i wish i did maths
i wish i chose teaching
i wish i got more than a 2.2
i'm glad i did a science subject and got hit hard a lot
life speeds up with time, kinda sucks, but adjusting is fun
anyway, i didn't realise how much google groups has improved.
bookmarked this bit and will try and jump back into the barrel.
oxbridge, omar, adam-jesse, goatVsrachel, nonsensical ethical stuff,
computery-talk with chris/alex/ray/hansih. Good times. Oh, and old
dudes, (yes YOU) admission tutors(MMH, JHP, Ginno,Eccles-dudes, all
others), you'll always RULE for being on here, helping others for the
sake of it. you wouldn't believe how glad I am to see you out here
doing your thing to this very day, typing tons and tons of ascii text
trying to help other dudes (including once-upon-a-time-me). YOU ROCK.
2005-02-04 20:28:51 UTC
I wish you'd indicate the expression with a bit more clarity Adam.
2005-02-04 20:57:25 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
I wish you'd indicate the expression with a bit more clarity Adam.
Adam's *cowboy carl*? I thought he was that *adam the cod dude*.....Whats
the whole deal with Adam and Jess anyway - did they go out or something? and
then decided to inflict there relationship problems on the aua servers? (I
haven't been on this news group as long as you guys!!!) :)
cowboy carl
2005-02-04 21:18:39 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
Post by m***@gmail.com
I wish you'd indicate the expression with a bit more clarity Adam.
Adam's *cowboy carl*? I thought he was that *adam the cod dude*.....Whats
the whole deal with Adam and Jess anyway - did they go out or something? and
then decided to inflict there relationship problems on the aua servers? (I
haven't been on this news group as long as you guys!!!) :)

Why does everyone thing we dated/fancied each other?

2005-02-04 21:37:04 UTC
Post by cowboy carl
Post by Samsonknight
Post by m***@gmail.com
I wish you'd indicate the expression with a bit more clarity Adam.
Adam's *cowboy carl*? I thought he was that *adam the cod dude*.....Whats
the whole deal with Adam and Jess anyway - did they go out or something?
and then decided to inflict there relationship problems on the aua
servers? (I haven't been on this news group as long as you guys!!!) :)
Why does everyone thing we dated/fancied each other?
Because you both act like if you are/were a couple....
Post by cowboy carl
2005-02-06 11:59:37 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
Post by cowboy carl
Post by Samsonknight
Post by m***@gmail.com
I wish you'd indicate the expression with a bit more clarity Adam.
Adam's *cowboy carl*? I thought he was that *adam the cod
dude*.....Whats the whole deal with Adam and Jess anyway - did they
go out or something? and then decided to inflict there relationship
problems on the aua servers? (I haven't been on this news group as
long as you guys!!!) :)
Why does everyone thing we dated/fancied each other?
Because you both act like if you are/were a couple....
in what way?
2005-02-06 14:10:53 UTC
Post by jess
Post by Samsonknight
Post by cowboy carl
Post by Samsonknight
Post by m***@gmail.com
I wish you'd indicate the expression with a bit more clarity Adam.
Adam's *cowboy carl*? I thought he was that *adam the cod
dude*.....Whats the whole deal with Adam and Jess anyway - did they
go out or something? and then decided to inflict there relationship
problems on the aua servers? (I haven't been on this news group as
long as you guys!!!) :)
Why does everyone thing we dated/fancied each other?
Because you both act like if you are/were a couple....
in what way?
You know....always arguing, arguing, and more arguing (a trait).....It's
like, every time one of you made a thread, either of you couldn't
resistttttttttt criticising one another - hence I got that impression - oh
and yeah , external variables only made me more convinced of this...
2005-02-06 15:00:00 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
Post by jess
Post by Samsonknight
Post by cowboy carl
Post by Samsonknight
Post by m***@gmail.com
I wish you'd indicate the expression with a bit more clarity Adam.
Adam's *cowboy carl*? I thought he was that *adam the cod
dude*.....Whats the whole deal with Adam and Jess anyway - did
they go out or something? and then decided to inflict there
relationship problems on the aua servers? (I haven't been on this
news group as long as you guys!!!) :)
Why does everyone thing we dated/fancied each other?
Because you both act like if you are/were a couple....
in what way?
You know....always arguing, arguing, and more arguing (a
that's how couples act?


not how me and my boyf act.
Post by Samsonknight
It's like, every time one of you made a thread, either of
you couldn't resistttttttttt criticising one another - hence I got
that impression - oh and yeah , external variables only made me more
convinced of this...
external variables? :s
2005-02-04 21:04:18 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
I wish you'd indicate the expression with a bit more clarity Adam.
Adam's *cowboy carl*? I thought he was that *adam the cod* dude.....What's
the whole deal with Adam and Jess anyway - did they go out or something? and
then decided to inflict there relationship problems on the aua servers? (I
haven't been on this news group as long as you guys!!!) :)
2005-02-04 05:41:40 UTC
Sounds alright. Things OK at this end, got a weekly broadcast slot on
BBC doing a music/clubbing preview. Uni's all over in 4 months, then
in investment bank in London.
2005-02-06 12:01:31 UTC
Post by Davido
Uni's all over in 4 months, then
in investment bank in London.
2005-02-07 22:22:51 UTC
you know jess, adam just did the same thing elsewhere on this thread.

not that i'm trying to prove anything.

Gaurav Sharma.
2005-02-07 23:18:03 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
you know jess, adam just did the same thing elsewhere on this thread.
not that i'm trying to prove anything.
Gaurav Sharma.
ha ha!
2005-02-08 00:55:58 UTC
Ian B.
2005-02-04 13:25:21 UTC
Post by Gaurav Sharma
hey howz da hood at?
i've been a bit hardwhipped at work (BM IT consultancy in europe) last
6 months and been missing out on lots of unecessary funstuff here and
other places. how do you admission tutors do it?

Too busy to post articles like this
http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/02/02/1332231&tid=109? A story on
the front page of /., that's nice, and you almost survived a
slashdotting to your site :-). Come on, admit it though, your only
really back here to boast about that ;-).
James Gregory
2005-02-06 19:41:32 UTC
Post by Ian B.
Post by Gaurav Sharma
hey howz da hood at?
i've been a bit hardwhipped at work (BM IT consultancy in europe) last
6 months and been missing out on lots of unecessary funstuff here and
other places. how do you admission tutors do it?
Too busy to post articles like this
http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/02/02/1332231&tid=109? A story on
the front page of /., that's nice, and you almost survived a
slashdotting to your site :-). Come on, admit it though, your only
really back here to boast about that ;-).
Maybe you know already, but that's a different G Sharma.

2005-02-06 12:00:23 UTC
Gaurav Sharma wrote:

nice to see you back. just one question; were you drunken when you wrote
2005-02-07 21:46:37 UTC
maybe. just maybe.

and that's a different Gaurav Sharma.

just realised my name looks kinda cool in verdana.
I'll update www.gauravsharma.com one of these days though.

Gaurav Sharma.
Mr Power
2005-02-08 21:27:34 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
maybe. just maybe.
and that's a different Gaurav Sharma.
just realised my name looks kinda cool in verdana.
I'll update www.gauravsharma.com one of these days though.
No rush, all this confidential client
information makes fun reading :-)
Gaurav Sharma
2005-02-11 00:26:41 UTC
Post by Mr Power
Post by m***@gmail.com
maybe. just maybe.
and that's a different Gaurav Sharma.
just realised my name looks kinda cool in verdana.
I'll update www.gauravsharma.com one of these days though.
No rush, all this confidential client
information makes fun reading :-)
shit. thanks.
Andy Tucker
2005-02-26 12:01:15 UTC
Post by Gaurav Sharma
hey howz da hood at?
i've been a bit hardwhipped at work (BM IT consultancy in europe) last
6 months and been missing out on lots of unecessary funstuff here and
other places. how do you admission tutors do it?
i wish i did maths
i wish i chose teaching
i wish i got more than a 2.2
i'm glad i did a science subject and got hit hard a lot
life speeds up with time, kinda sucks, but adjusting is fun
anyway, i didn't realise how much google groups has improved.
bookmarked this bit and will try and jump back into the barrel.
oxbridge, omar, adam-jesse, goatVsrachel, nonsensical ethical stuff,
computery-talk with chris/alex/ray/hansih. Good times. Oh, and old
dudes, (yes YOU) admission tutors(MMH, JHP, Ginno,Eccles-dudes, all
others), you'll always RULE for being on here, helping others for the
sake of it. you wouldn't believe how glad I am to see you out here
doing your thing to this very day, typing tons and tons of ascii text
trying to help other dudes (including once-upon-a-time-me). YOU ROCK.
Just dropped past here idly - and it's kinda sad how this group has died
compared to a couple of years back. There doesn't actually seem to be any
A-level students here!

For the record, I'm now working for Jaguar, doing all sorts of computery
things and driving lots of fast cars :-D

2005-02-26 12:04:58 UTC
Post by Andy Tucker
Post by Gaurav Sharma
hey howz da hood at?
i've been a bit hardwhipped at work (BM IT consultancy in europe) last
6 months and been missing out on lots of unecessary funstuff here and
other places. how do you admission tutors do it?
i wish i did maths
i wish i chose teaching
i wish i got more than a 2.2
i'm glad i did a science subject and got hit hard a lot
life speeds up with time, kinda sucks, but adjusting is fun
anyway, i didn't realise how much google groups has improved.
bookmarked this bit and will try and jump back into the barrel.
oxbridge, omar, adam-jesse, goatVsrachel, nonsensical ethical stuff,
computery-talk with chris/alex/ray/hansih. Good times. Oh, and old
dudes, (yes YOU) admission tutors(MMH, JHP, Ginno,Eccles-dudes, all
others), you'll always RULE for being on here, helping others for the
sake of it. you wouldn't believe how glad I am to see you out here
doing your thing to this very day, typing tons and tons of ascii text
trying to help other dudes (including once-upon-a-time-me). YOU ROCK.
Just dropped past here idly - and it's kinda sad how this group has died
compared to a couple of years back. There doesn't actually seem to be any
A-level students here!
For the record, I'm now working for Jaguar, doing all sorts of computery
things and driving lots of fast cars :-D
An A-level student....

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