Gaurav Sharma
2005-02-03 22:09:55 UTC
hey howz da hood at?
i've been a bit hardwhipped at work (BM IT consultancy in europe) last
6 months and been missing out on lots of unecessary funstuff here and
other places. how do you admission tutors do it?
random thought dump:
i wish i did maths
i wish i chose teaching
i wish i got more than a 2.2
i'm glad i did a science subject and got hit hard a lot
life speeds up with time, kinda sucks, but adjusting is fun
anyway, i didn't realise how much google groups has improved.
bookmarked this bit and will try and jump back into the barrel.
oxbridge, omar, adam-jesse, goatVsrachel, nonsensical ethical stuff,
computery-talk with chris/alex/ray/hansih. Good times. Oh, and old
dudes, (yes YOU) admission tutors(MMH, JHP, Ginno,Eccles-dudes, all
others), you'll always RULE for being on here, helping others for the
sake of it. you wouldn't believe how glad I am to see you out here
doing your thing to this very day, typing tons and tons of ascii text
trying to help other dudes (including once-upon-a-time-me). YOU ROCK.
i've been a bit hardwhipped at work (BM IT consultancy in europe) last
6 months and been missing out on lots of unecessary funstuff here and
other places. how do you admission tutors do it?
random thought dump:
i wish i did maths
i wish i chose teaching
i wish i got more than a 2.2
i'm glad i did a science subject and got hit hard a lot
life speeds up with time, kinda sucks, but adjusting is fun
anyway, i didn't realise how much google groups has improved.
bookmarked this bit and will try and jump back into the barrel.
oxbridge, omar, adam-jesse, goatVsrachel, nonsensical ethical stuff,
computery-talk with chris/alex/ray/hansih. Good times. Oh, and old
dudes, (yes YOU) admission tutors(MMH, JHP, Ginno,Eccles-dudes, all
others), you'll always RULE for being on here, helping others for the
sake of it. you wouldn't believe how glad I am to see you out here
doing your thing to this very day, typing tons and tons of ascii text
trying to help other dudes (including once-upon-a-time-me). YOU ROCK.