this maybe a bit silly....
(too old to reply)
Mohd Anisul Karim
2004-11-04 10:04:52 UTC
.... but its something thats been really bothering me. I can't contact
the CIE 'cos they don't "discuss anything about their exams with
candidates", and I couldn't think of any other place to ask this apart
from here; so here it is: I recently took the AS Level physics
practicals [UCLES] and had written everything with a 'dark blue pen',
except the data I put in the table.. which I wrote with a pencil
(since it can be very prone to errors) and I didn't have the time to
change it back with pen! My results were pretty accurate... so no
worries there. Only the pencil-pen thing.. so do you think cambridge
usually frowns upon matters like these or are they cool with it?? I
know this question may appear to be a bit silly but its something
thats been giving my nightmares (I am sort of a perfectionist, you
know!!)! Thanks beforehand!!

-Mohd Anisul Karim
Gaurav Sharma
2004-11-08 23:59:00 UTC
Post by Mohd Anisul Karim
.... but its something thats been really bothering me. I can't contact
the CIE 'cos they don't "discuss anything about their exams with
candidates", and I couldn't think of any other place to ask this apart
from here; so here it is: I recently took the AS Level physics
practicals [UCLES] and had written everything with a 'dark blue pen',
except the data I put in the table.. which I wrote with a pencil
(since it can be very prone to errors) and I didn't have the time to
change it back with pen! My results were pretty accurate... so no
worries there. Only the pencil-pen thing.. so do you think cambridge
usually frowns upon matters like these or are they cool with it?? I
know this question may appear to be a bit silly but its something
thats been giving my nightmares (I am sort of a perfectionist, you
know!!)! Thanks beforehand!!
-Mohd Anisul Karim
I think you should put the UCLES inside the CIE and be done with it.
The AS CIE isn't going to give you exam credit for the nightmares and
the circus wants perfectionists.


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