Core Mathematics 1 Exam
(too old to reply)
2005-01-10 17:04:11 UTC

Was wondering if anyone here took the first module of the C1 Examination

I thought that the paper was very good today. However, if there are any
maths teachers that lurk on this newsgroup, if possible could you please
tell me the grade boundries for C1. I feel as though I got 63 out of 75
marks today. I am a bit gutted that I ran out of time! Which was the reason
for me losing 11 marks - or so I think.

Stuart Williams
2005-01-10 18:26:19 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
Was wondering if anyone here took the first module of the C1 Examination
I thought that the paper was very good today. However, if there are any
maths teachers that lurk on this newsgroup, if possible could you please
tell me the grade boundries for C1.
No-one knows yet. It's a new exam, and the examiners will want to see how
candidates fared before committing themselves to the award of UMSs.
Therefore you won't know the grade boundaries until after the results
come out. I haven't spoken to any of our candidates, so I can't yet tell
you if they thought it "easy" compared with P1 - many of them are
switching from the P1P2P3S1S2M1 route to C1C2C3C4S1M1, so they will be
able to compare to some extent.

2005-01-10 23:08:55 UTC
Post by Stuart Williams
Post by Samsonknight
Was wondering if anyone here took the first module of the C1 Examination
I thought that the paper was very good today. However, if there are any
maths teachers that lurk on this newsgroup, if possible could you please
tell me the grade boundries for C1.
No-one knows yet. It's a new exam, and the examiners will want to see how
candidates fared before committing themselves to the award of UMSs.
Therefore you won't know the grade boundaries until after the results
come out. I haven't spoken to any of our candidates, so I can't yet tell
you if they thought it "easy" compared with P1 - many of them are
switching from the P1P2P3S1S2M1 route to C1C2C3C4S1M1, so they will be
able to compare to some extent.
Isn't it too late to switch if they have done part of the P1 course already?
Stuart Williams
2005-01-11 19:09:08 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Stuart Williams
Post by Samsonknight
Was wondering if anyone here took the first module of the C1 Examination
I thought that the paper was very good today. However, if there are any
maths teachers that lurk on this newsgroup, if possible could you please
tell me the grade boundries for C1.
No-one knows yet. It's a new exam, and the examiners will want to see how
candidates fared before committing themselves to the award of UMSs.
Therefore you won't know the grade boundaries until after the results
come out. I haven't spoken to any of our candidates, so I can't yet tell
you if they thought it "easy" compared with P1 - many of them are
switching from the P1P2P3S1S2M1 route to C1C2C3C4S1M1, so they will be
able to compare to some extent.
Isn't it too late to switch if they have done part of the P1 course already?
No. They're not bound by what modules they've already taken - the only
restriction (obviously) is they can't combine Px modules with Cx modules.

John Porcella
2005-01-10 22:28:13 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
Was wondering if anyone here took the first module of the C1 Examination
I thought that the paper was very good today. However, if there are any
maths teachers that lurk on this newsgroup, if possible could you please
tell me the grade boundries for C1.
Even the chief examiner for C1 will not know what the grade boundaries are
yet! They need to mark the papers and then take a view based on the
distribution of results.

I feel as though I got 63 out of 75
Post by Samsonknight
marks today. I am a bit gutted that I ran out of time! Which was the reason
for me losing 11 marks - or so I think.
But if many found it difficult to finish on time then you will not be

My P1 went okay, but I made a very silly error when trying to work out a
part of one question. Otherwise, I am happy.
John Porcella
2005-01-10 23:06:08 UTC
Post by John Porcella
Post by Samsonknight
Was wondering if anyone here took the first module of the C1 Examination
I thought that the paper was very good today. However, if there are any
maths teachers that lurk on this newsgroup, if possible could you please
tell me the grade boundries for C1.
Even the chief examiner for C1 will not know what the grade boundaries are
yet! They need to mark the papers and then take a view based on the
distribution of results.
When is it likely that I will get my C1 results? mid febuary?
Post by John Porcella
I feel as though I got 63 out of 75
Post by Samsonknight
marks today. I am a bit gutted that I ran out of time! Which was the
Post by Samsonknight
for me losing 11 marks - or so I think.
But if many found it difficult to finish on time then you will not be
I hope so, after the exam, the reaction from other students were "I found
this paper hard", "I did crap"....So if I have done well, I hope that goes
in my favour.
Post by John Porcella
My P1 went okay, but I made a very silly error when trying to work out a
part of one question. Otherwise, I am happy.
I am sure you got most of the others correct.
There was this stupid integration question on thae paper , that I thought I
could do, but instead wasted 15 mins trying to do it . I spent so much time
differentiating , in order to check if what i had integrated is correct. I
should have just moved on and went back to that one later.

Oh and by the way does anyone here know if I will be penalised for a curve
sketching question of which I never drew to scale and it was , yes just a
sketch of the diagram reflected (which was the question). I had 60 seconds
to do it in and I hope I dont get penalised. To give my answer mmore weight,
I wrote in bold capitol letters function of - x means that the "graphs is
reflected" and therefore the co-ordinates for P is (2,0).

John do they still give marks in maths exam if you cross out valid answers?
I remember you saying that in ICT exams they do.
Post by John Porcella
John Porcella
John Porcella
2005-01-10 23:16:14 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
When is it likely that I will get my C1 results? mid febuary?
I do not see how it can be before March.
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Samsonknight
I feel as though I got 63 out of 75
Post by Samsonknight
marks today. I am a bit gutted that I ran out of time! Which was the
Post by Samsonknight
for me losing 11 marks - or so I think.
But if many found it difficult to finish on time then you will not be
I hope so, after the exam, the reaction from other students were "I found
this paper hard", "I did crap"....So if I have done well, I hope that goes
in my favour.
Let us hope so!
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Samsonknight
My P1 went okay, but I made a very silly error when trying to work out a
part of one question. Otherwise, I am happy.
I am sure you got most of the others correct.
Post by Samsonknight
There was this stupid integration question on thae paper , that I thought I
could do, but instead wasted 15 mins trying to do it . I spent so much time
differentiating , in order to check if what i had integrated is correct. I
should have just moved on and went back to that one later.
At least you know for next time.
Post by Samsonknight
Oh and by the way does anyone here know if I will be penalised for a curve
sketching question of which I never drew to scale and it was , yes just a
sketch of the diagram reflected (which was the question).
Sketches do not need to be accurately drawn for scale.

I had 60 seconds
Post by Samsonknight
to do it in and I hope I dont get penalised. To give my answer mmore weight,
I wrote in bold capitol letters function of - x means that the "graphs is
reflected" and therefore the co-ordinates for P is (2,0).
John do they still give marks in maths exam if you cross out valid answers?
I do not know for certain with this paper, but I think it has to be.
John Porcella
2005-01-11 00:13:28 UTC
Post by John Porcella
Post by Samsonknight
When is it likely that I will get my C1 results? mid febuary?
I do not see how it can be before March.
Do you know when are the summer exam is because I would like to know my
results, before deciding if I were to resit it.
Post by John Porcella
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Samsonknight
I feel as though I got 63 out of 75
Post by Samsonknight
marks today. I am a bit gutted that I ran out of time! Which was the
Post by Samsonknight
for me losing 11 marks - or so I think.
But if many found it difficult to finish on time then you will not be
I hope so, after the exam, the reaction from other students were "I found
this paper hard", "I did crap"....So if I have done well, I hope that goes
in my favour.
Let us hope so!
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Samsonknight
My P1 went okay, but I made a very silly error when trying to work out a
part of one question. Otherwise, I am happy.
I am sure you got most of the others correct.
Have you got an A overall already?
Post by John Porcella
Post by Samsonknight
There was this stupid integration question on thae paper , that I thought
Post by Samsonknight
could do, but instead wasted 15 mins trying to do it . I spent so much
Post by Samsonknight
differentiating , in order to check if what i had integrated is correct. I
should have just moved on and went back to that one later.
At least you know for next time.
Post by Samsonknight
Oh and by the way does anyone here know if I will be penalised for a curve
sketching question of which I never drew to scale and it was , yes just a
sketch of the diagram reflected (which was the question).
Sketches do not need to be accurately drawn for scale.
Post by John Porcella
I had 60 seconds
Post by Samsonknight
to do it in and I hope I dont get penalised. To give my answer mmore
Post by Samsonknight
I wrote in bold capitol letters function of - x means that the "graphs is
reflected" and therefore the co-ordinates for P is (2,0).
John do they still give marks in maths exam if you cross out valid
I do not know for certain with this paper, but I think it has to be.
I see, because I wrote a completing the square question in the correct form
then crossed out and then wrote absolute rubbish.
Post by John Porcella
John Porcella
John Porcella
2005-01-11 00:42:40 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
Post by John Porcella
Post by Samsonknight
When is it likely that I will get my C1 results? mid febuary?
I do not see how it can be before March.
Do you know when are the summer exam is because I would like to know my
results, before deciding if I were to resit it.
I do not know without looking it up, but the Edexcel website has the summer
dates already.
Post by Samsonknight
Post by John Porcella
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Samsonknight
I feel as though I got 63 out of 75
Post by Samsonknight
marks today. I am a bit gutted that I ran out of time! Which was the
Post by Samsonknight
for me losing 11 marks - or so I think.
But if many found it difficult to finish on time then you will not be
I hope so, after the exam, the reaction from other students were "I found
this paper hard", "I did crap"....So if I have done well, I hope that goes
in my favour.
Let us hope so!
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Samsonknight
My P1 went okay, but I made a very silly error when trying to work
Post by Samsonknight
Post by John Porcella
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Samsonknight
part of one question. Otherwise, I am happy.
I am sure you got most of the others correct.
Have you got an A overall already?
No. I got 80 UMS on my first sitting of P1 but I want a higher score to
take the pressure off the remainder. I still need to take D1 to get the
full set of six, though I am considering not using S1 and S2 for my 'A'
level maths, as I quite fancy having a go at seeing if I can get S3 to S6
for a statistics 'A' level before Edexcel withdraw them next January.
Post by Samsonknight
Post by John Porcella
Post by Samsonknight
Oh and by the way does anyone here know if I will be penalised for a curve
sketching question of which I never drew to scale and it was , yes just a
sketch of the diagram reflected (which was the question).
Sketches do not need to be accurately drawn for scale.
Post by John Porcella
I had 60 seconds
Post by Samsonknight
to do it in and I hope I dont get penalised. To give my answer mmore
Post by Samsonknight
I wrote in bold capitol letters function of - x means that the "graphs is
reflected" and therefore the co-ordinates for P is (2,0).
John do they still give marks in maths exam if you cross out valid
I do not know for certain with this paper, but I think it has to be.
I see, because I wrote a completing the square question in the correct form
then crossed out and then wrote absolute rubbish.
Post by John Porcella
John Porcella
2005-01-11 01:04:39 UTC
Post by John Porcella
Post by Samsonknight
Post by John Porcella
Post by Samsonknight
When is it likely that I will get my C1 results? mid febuary?
I do not see how it can be before March.
Do you know when are the summer exam is because I would like to know my
results, before deciding if I were to resit it.
I do not know without looking it up, but the Edexcel website has the summer
dates already.
Post by Samsonknight
Post by John Porcella
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Samsonknight
I feel as though I got 63 out of 75
Post by Samsonknight
marks today. I am a bit gutted that I ran out of time! Which was the
Post by Samsonknight
for me losing 11 marks - or so I think.
But if many found it difficult to finish on time then you will not be
I hope so, after the exam, the reaction from other students were "I
Post by Samsonknight
Post by John Porcella
Post by Samsonknight
this paper hard", "I did crap"....So if I have done well, I hope that goes
in my favour.
Let us hope so!
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Samsonknight
My P1 went okay, but I made a very silly error when trying to work
Post by Samsonknight
Post by John Porcella
Post by Samsonknight
Post by Samsonknight
part of one question. Otherwise, I am happy.
I am sure you got most of the others correct.
Have you got an A overall already?
No. I got 80 UMS on my first sitting of P1 but I want a higher score to
take the pressure off the remainder. I still need to take D1 to get the
full set of six, though I am considering not using S1 and S2 for my 'A'
level maths, as I quite fancy having a go at seeing if I can get S3 to S6
for a statistics 'A' level before Edexcel withdraw them next January.
How many different A-levels have you done? I saw in the other thread you did
critcial thinking and Alevel ICT
John Porcella
2005-01-12 01:07:33 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
How many different A-levels have you done? I saw in the other thread you did
critcial thinking and Alevel ICT
If you mean completely finished, then it currently stands at six. For what
it is worth, my last three were all at grade A. These were taken relatively
recently, whereas my first three were taken more than twenty years ago, and
the grades are much, much worse. Is this evidence of a softening of

Critical Thinking is only AS (there is (was?) no A2) and I have only taken
the first two papers of ICT. I have no idea when I shall be able to attempt
the practical for paper three.
John Porcella
2005-01-12 13:14:25 UTC
Post by John Porcella
Post by Samsonknight
How many different A-levels have you done? I saw in the other thread you
Post by Samsonknight
critcial thinking and Alevel ICT
If you mean completely finished, then it currently stands at six. For what
it is worth, my last three were all at grade A. These were taken relatively
recently, whereas my first three were taken more than twenty years ago, and
the grades are much, much worse. Is this evidence of a softening of
Critical Thinking is only AS (there is (was?) no A2) and I have only taken
the first two papers of ICT. I have no idea when I shall be able to attempt
the practical for paper three.
Nope, it just means that you are older therefor more experienced and much
more clever then most people of my age group. lol. Most students at my ex
sixthform, struggled to get Bs let alone A's, only 2 students got all 3 As,
and those that did Media studies got a B.
Post by John Porcella
John Porcella
2005-01-12 18:47:10 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
Nope, it just means that you are older therefor more experienced and
much more clever then most people of my age group.
i don't think that necessarily follows.
2005-01-12 20:51:51 UTC
Post by jess
Post by Samsonknight
Nope, it just means that you are older therefor more experienced and
much more clever then most people of my age group.
i don't think that necessarily follows.
Wouldn't you say older intelligent people (not any old person), but older
people such as John will find Alevels much more easier then our age group as
they have had experienced many more exams back in their days then the
average 17/18 year old, of whom haven't experienced degree exams, and are
yet to experienced Alevel exams. Therefore as they are slightly more
inexpereinced, they will probably find the papers harder, whereas John
probably knows what to expects and have good exam techniques already
2005-01-12 20:56:07 UTC
Post by Samsonknight
Post by jess
Post by Samsonknight
Nope, it just means that you are older therefor more experienced and
much more clever then most people of my age group.
i don't think that necessarily follows.
Wouldn't you say older intelligent people (not any old person), but
older people such as John will find Alevels much more easier then our
age group as they have had experienced many more exams back in their
days then the average 17/18 year old, of whom haven't experienced
degree exams, and are yet to experienced Alevel exams. Therefore as
they are slightly more inexpereinced, they will probably find the
papers harder, whereas John probably knows what to expects and have
good exam techniques already developed.
i was more pointing out that older doesn't necessarily mean cleverer.

or more experienced.
2005-01-12 22:22:58 UTC
Post by jess
Post by Samsonknight
Post by jess
Post by Samsonknight
Nope, it just means that you are older therefor more experienced and
much more clever then most people of my age group.
i don't think that necessarily follows.
Wouldn't you say older intelligent people (not any old person), but
older people such as John will find Alevels much more easier then our
age group as they have had experienced many more exams back in their
days then the average 17/18 year old, of whom haven't experienced
degree exams, and are yet to experienced Alevel exams. Therefore as
they are slightly more inexpereinced, they will probably find the
papers harder, whereas John probably knows what to expects and have
good exam techniques already developed.
i was more pointing out that older doesn't necessarily mean cleverer.
or more experienced.
My apologies, I should have been clearer. :)
2005-01-15 21:29:25 UTC

Am new here so hello everyone,

I took OCR Core one and Core two the other day too, in the hope that I
will do better than I did in Pure one and two. I have a UMS score for
AS maths of 184 (P1P2M1); does anyone know what grade that gives me? I
think its C, am I right?

S1 on tuesday anyone?

Stuart Williams
2005-01-16 11:05:47 UTC
Post by Gary
Am new here so hello everyone,
I took OCR Core one and Core two the other day too, in the hope that I
will do better than I did in Pure one and two. I have a UMS score for
AS maths of 184 (P1P2M1); does anyone know what grade that gives me? I
think its C, am I right?
Yes: maximum mark 300. You've got 60%+, which is a C.

