2005-08-05 21:40:45 UTC
With the government warning that graduates may take until they are 36
to clear college debts prospective students should be taking a long
hard look at their decision to continue in full-time education.
One of England's strongest points is the quality and diversity of its
post-school educational opportunities. Many employers will pay for
workers to attend part-time courses. There is also an enormous range of
part-time and distance learning opportunities, exemplified by, nut not
limited to, the excellent Open University.
Peers who choose to "learn while they earn" will not only have the
advantage of 4 years of earning as opposed to debt accumulation, they
will also enjoy real-world experience, and have the chance to get a
foot on the rapidly-disappearing-out-of-reach porperty ladder.
Not only that but in the rapidly changing information society much of
what will be learned in year 1 will already be outdated by graduation.
With the nation already creaking under the burden of uncontrolled
consumer debt the last thing we need is close to half the population
starting their working lives owing many thousands of pounds that will
take years and years to clear.
So, unless you have a scholarship, employer sponsorship, or a rich &
generous mummy and daddy, think again before enrolment.
to clear college debts prospective students should be taking a long
hard look at their decision to continue in full-time education.
One of England's strongest points is the quality and diversity of its
post-school educational opportunities. Many employers will pay for
workers to attend part-time courses. There is also an enormous range of
part-time and distance learning opportunities, exemplified by, nut not
limited to, the excellent Open University.
Peers who choose to "learn while they earn" will not only have the
advantage of 4 years of earning as opposed to debt accumulation, they
will also enjoy real-world experience, and have the chance to get a
foot on the rapidly-disappearing-out-of-reach porperty ladder.
Not only that but in the rapidly changing information society much of
what will be learned in year 1 will already be outdated by graduation.
With the nation already creaking under the burden of uncontrolled
consumer debt the last thing we need is close to half the population
starting their working lives owing many thousands of pounds that will
take years and years to clear.
So, unless you have a scholarship, employer sponsorship, or a rich &
generous mummy and daddy, think again before enrolment.