Hope I'm dead before I get old
(too old to reply)
2006-06-20 07:27:19 UTC
On Sun, 18 Jun 2006 14:18:49 GMT, "TheDysk"
Yeah I know what you Mean. I'm 38 and I've got over 21 years of hand on
Support & Systems experience. I keep coming across Uni graduates who
graduated in an I.T. related subject who can write wonderfull reports
can't actually do the job and don't know the simplest things.
Right! This is where I get flamed by Uni Graduates isn't it?
Well I'm a Uni Graduate, but being then a 43 year old one, I couldn't
even get an interview, hence I'm doing my present none IT job. :-(
You really do need to stop blaming your age. It really does irritate me.
No, you need to get a reality check and a dose of realism as to the
extent of ageism in the IT industry. Even people with 15 to 25 years
actual experience in IT systems can't get new jobs. I know because I
have talked to them, men and women, of all ages, with some knowing far
far more about IT then I'll ever know. Hopefully after October things
MAY begin to change as anti ageism legislation will kick in. Don't
believe me, send off for some IT positions, say you are a mature
graduate i.e. any age over 35, and say you have a 2:1, if you are so
sure that age isn't the reason and come back and tell me how well you
have managed to get an interview off(s).
Do you think any of the 22 year olds on your course who came out with 3rd
class degrees got graduate jobs? I'd have been too embarrassed to apply for
any if I had got a 3rd class...
The reason you can't get a good job is because you have a 3rd class
It's virtually useless. Employers want 2:1, if you had put in a bit of
effort and
got a 2:1 you would now have a job.
Oi, I worked my tail off at UMIST to get my degree and on 85% of the
modules it was the first time I'd ever even *heard* of the subject let
alone done it as A levels. So don't come that you should have worked
harder shite with me as it doesn't wash. :-|
Whatever, but you clearly didn't learn your subject properly.
and got a job no problem, as did several significantly
older mature students in my class. But we worked hard, learnt our stuff
properly and got 2:1s or 1st classes...
Well done. But most of my year got 2:2's 6 got 2:1's and just 4 got
1sts. 11 included me got 3rd's, and one kid got a Pass degree. To
get a 2:1 or the exulted heights of a 1st you had to be really really
good at the subjects at UMIST.
As it should be.
John Porcella
2006-09-06 12:31:05 UTC
You really do need to stop blaming your age. It really does irritate me.
Depending on the profession, age does seem to matter.

I find it curious that as the population is ageing, there is discrimination
against those who are not young.

I just hope legislation turns the tide.
No, you need to get a reality check and a dose of realism as to the
extent of ageism in the IT industry. Even people with 15 to 25 years
actual experience in IT systems can't get new jobs.
With that level of experience, they are no longer young and suffering from
ageism too!
John Porcella