Any tips for a self-studyer?
(too old to reply)
2007-12-12 17:06:07 UTC
Robert de Vincy
2007-12-12 17:45:39 UTC
Subject: Any tips for a self-studyer?
Use a mirror?

No, seriously...
- Make a schedule and *keep to it*. The temptation to think "Yeah,
I'll read chapter X later tonight, if I've got time, or maybe
tomorrow... possibly at the weekend, if I can't get it done
tomorrow..." will inevitably lead to you not doing anything.
(Believe me, this is from personal experience.) Keep to that
schedule rigidly.
- Relating to the first point, make a schedule of *essential* time, in
which you must get such-and-such done, but also add in a few optional
sessions where you CAN use that "If I have the time" state of mind.
As long as you keep to the compulsory sessions then the optionals are
like little bonus sessions for when you're feeling extra studious.
- If you're living with other people, make them aware that your compulsory
study times are special "DO NOT DISTURB ME OR SUFFER MY WRATH" times.
At all costs. Only allow them to disturb you if it's a matter relating
to the structural integrity of the house.
- Plan realistically. Don't think "Yeah, I can easily read fifteen
chapters in a week" before you open the book. Do a practice run of
what you initially think you can do per week, and then revise the plan
using the knowledge you gain from that practice.
- Before you retire to whatever quiet place you intend to read/write/study/
whatever, make sure you have everything there. That includes snacks
and so on. All it takes is for you to wander away into the kitchen,
past a TV or someone else in house and your attention is diverted.
- Don't let it take over your life. The fact that you're self-studying
means it's likely you are doing it part-time fitting it around other
things (job, family, etc). Don't neglect those things, or else you'll
start to resent the studying and then it becomes a chore and something
to be despised.